mehsi's reviews
15975 reviews

Heartstopper: Volume Three by Alice Oseman

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Re-read 2022: Squee this was such a fun read! I loved seeing the whole group + others visit France/Paris and have a great time. It was bit weird to read it in Dutch, some things just didn't click, but in overall, good volume!

Once again, I read these on Tapastic but want to catalogue this one. I am putting it on 2019, though the Tapastic chapter 4 ended on 2020. This was absolutely wonderful, I loved seeing all my favourite characters in Paris see them explore it and try out all sorts of great things. Plus, all the relationships! EEP! Not just our main couple but also others get a chance to shine which delights me (I am especially hyped about the teachers). I do worry about Charlie and his eating problem, if I can call it that. I hope Nick and Charlie can work it out and Nick can help Charlie. I loved all the cute moments between them. Gorgeous art once again. Recommended.
His Holiday Crush by Cari Z

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I received this book from Grey’s Promotions in exchange of an honest review.

I just HAD to read the book when I saw the blurb and the cover. It looked (and sounded) so romantic. Plus, I have been looking around for some more Christmassy books to read.

Meet Max, a lawyer who is just wayyyy to busy with getting a promotion. He hasn’t been to his old town for a decade (for good reasons that we find out later on) but for Christmas he decides to visit as he just can’t say no to the cute daughters of his best friend, Hal. I loved Max from the start but with each new thing that we learn about him I loved him more and more. He could cook some delicious foods, he works hard, he is great with kids, he can get some raccoons out of your home should that be required (and it is if you live in Dominic home of raccoon), he knows how to help with your home, and there is more.

Then there is Dominic, brother of Hal, and just fresh out of the army with a big case of PTSD (poor guy). He just started with his new job at the police and that is also how he meets Max again when he has to rescue him from a snowbank crash. Dominic is such a sweet guy and as we learn more about him and what happened to him in the army I just wanted to hug him so much. I loved seeing him around the girls and how much he loved them.

The love is a bit fast for me, but given how sweet and swoony it was I could forgive it. Plus, the sex scenes were just WOW and hot and steamy. Just thinking of them makes me warm again.
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree

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A fluffy, magical, fun book about coffee, cake, friendship, and more! LOVED IT!

I finally had the chance to read this book and now I just want to time travel and tell myself to read it immediately instead of waiting months!!

The Tragedy Paper by Elizabeth LaBan

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Enter here to be and find a friend.

The first quote we find in the book. And I love it. :)

This is the complete review (it might be a bit chaotic though). Enjoy.

Warning: might contain spoilers.

We have 2 characters, Duncan (or our main character in the now) and Tim (or our second main character but he is in the past, slowly moving to the now).
Duncan just started with his senior year and is moving to the senior dorms, he is looking forward to it (though also not looking forward to it because of the so called Tragedy Paper that everyone has to write), every year the seniors of that year leave a treasure (be it a pet, rotten pizza or something else) to be found by the new senior that will occupy the room. Duncan soon panics when he finds out he gets the tiny room in the corner, with barely any light. He finds out the room belonged to Tim, a guy who is albino, and a bit strange (if we have to believe Duncan). Something happened between them some time ago. He is also disappointed when the treasure is only a letter and a stack of cds. The letter mentions their past and also the Tragedy Paper. Tim tells Duncan to listen to the cds, it contains information needed for his Tragedy Paper, but ofcourse there are other reasons too.

Duncan starts to listen to them, and gets totally lost in them. :)
Ofcourse we also see his side of the story. Though it gets a bit confusing, you are hearing/reading about Tim and suddenly it switches back to Duncan.

Currently at the part that Duncan finally makes up to Daisy and he kisses her. And her reply to that is: "What took you so long?" That made me laugh, it is such a standard sentence, often used in these situations and it should be cliché by now, but for me it never gets old. :)

We are getting closer to the disastrous thing that happened the previous year.
Also I don't hate Vanessa, but I dislike how she is going between boys, I can understand her reasoning, somehow, but I still think she should be honest with Patrick.
Even now, further in the book, I begin to dislike Vanessa even more, she is leading Tim on, and in the end going back to Patrick. So she is that kind of girl. *sighs* I dislike those kind of girls.

Duncan and Daisy are so cute and lovely together, I am so happy they are together, I am really cheering for them.

Wow, that thing that happened. I expected something when I heard the words snow and sledding and trees. And also the fact Tim was slowly going blind (why would you wear glasses or protection?), maybe we worry for what was to come. And also how Duncan was involved and why Duncan was feeling bad about things and feeling guilty. When Tim went to Duncan for the Junior Officer thing, Duncan saw that there was something wrong with Tim, he first thought it might have to do with drinking, but now he knows Tim was just going blind. He kept thinking he should have stopped Tim, but he didn't. Now he knows that Tim doesn't blame him or anyone, that it is Tim's own fault, and that Tim will have to live with the blood on white image as a last image for the rest of his life.

I am very happy that Duncan got Daisy to listen to the last parts, that he finally opened up and showed her why he was evaded everyone and being gloomy. So happy they talked and that Daisy understood Duncan, and is there for him.

In all this book was absolutely, definitely wonderful and beautiful. I would recommend it to everyone. It has some strong characters, wonderful themes and more.

Some little extra:
I love the chapter quotes under the characters names.
So here are some of the chapter quotes I love:

Was this the order or the chaos? - Tim
The sorrows of young Tim. - Duncan
I am thinking the cheddar burger, a coke and the truffle fries. - Tim
That was then and this was now. - Duncan
How am I going to get out of here? - Tim
Sometimes it's hard - impossible even - to know how much magnitude a choice holds until it is all over. - Tim
Slammed by Colleen Hoover

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Book number 3 for me on the list of NA books that Gisbelle recommended me.

I will keep this short, since well, this book just blew me away. It made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me angry (Will... gah make up your mind!), it made feel a whole lot.

It was a wonderful, emotional trip. It was just perfect. 2 people meant for each other, but due to things couldn't be together, but still kept their love, and in the end could be together. *sniffles*

And that ending, I cried, really cried. It was so sad, so much, and so beautiful.

I will be sure to read book 2! And probably book 3! I want to know how it continues.
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

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Edit: After trying, I just can't get a review out, so I will just say this. Guys, read this one! It has a bit of a slow start, but as soon as things start, you won't be able to stop reading this book any more!

First thoughts after reading: OMG OMG OMG THIS WAS JUST AMAZING, FANTASTIC! Everyone should read this. OMG OMG OMG. *is so excited* I need book 2, and 3 NOW. Sadly, it is 10pm so the libraries are closed. BUT SOON! *tries to breathe*

5 BEAUTIFUL stars + one extra because this was just EPIC.

Review to come as soon as I gathered my brain, my breathe and everything else again.
Vals by Mel Wallis de Vries

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4 meiden, een huisje diep in de Ardennen, een sneeuwstorm, ruzies, en dan verdwijnen de meiden een voor een. Heerlijk spannend!

Nadat ik laatst Vervloekt (het vervolg-ish van dit boek) heb gelezen was ik wel in de bui om nog wat meer Mel Wallis de Vries te herlezen. Vals stond hoog op mijn lijstje gegeven het vervolg-ish. Ik was al weer grotendeels vergeten wat er nou was gebeurd was en dus keek ik er erg naar uit. Wauw, het is gewoon meer dan 9 jaar geleden dat ik deze heb gelezen. Waar gaat de tijd heen? Mijn rating update ik van 3 naar 4.5 sterren.

Ontmoet Abby, Kim, Pippa en Feline, 4 meiden, 4 vriendinnen. Ze gaan een lekker tijdje op vakantie in een huisje in de Ardennen. Al vanaf het begin zien we dat er wat frustratie, wat spanning is. Vooral tussen Feline > Pippa en Kim > Abby/Pippa. Je voelt al aan dat deze vakantie misschien niet zo lekker ontspannen zal zijn als de meiden het hopen.

Onze eerste hoofdpersoon is Kim. Een lieve meid die haar beste vriendin mist, Abby. Ja, ze zijn nog steeds vriendinnen maar Pippa heeft zich er best tussen gewerkt en nu is er spanning tussen ze. Ik vond het erg verdrietig dat Abby zo deed tegen Kim, en ik kon me goed voorstellen dat Kim misschien niet altijd heel vrolijk reageert. Zou ik ook niet doen namelijk.
Ik vond het wel leuk dat ze hield van lezen en zelfs haar boeken van school mee had genomen voor het geval dat. Dat zou ik nou ook doen. :P

Zoals de blurb al zegt verdwijnt Kim, en vanaf dat moment is Feline aan het woord, en als zij ook verdwijnt (geen spoiler lees de blurb maar) neemt Abby het over. Ik vond het erg fijn dat we zoveel POV kregen en dat we zo de meiden toch beter leerden kennen. Want doordat je ze ziet door de ogen van anderen vorm je toch een soort van oordeel en in hun eigen POV zie je waarom ze zo deden en wat hun beweegredenen zijn. Mijn minst favoriete POV was Pippa. Maar ja, ik vond Pippa gewoonweg echt een tuthola. Altijd maar mensen pushen, best gemeen zijn, dingen eruitflappen die je niet moet uitflappen, opmerkingen maken die zwaar onder de maat zijn, en zo kan ik nog wel doorgaan.

We zien de meiden toch proberen iets van het de tijd te maken, we lezen over wat ze zoal doen (vooral veel drinken blijkbaar :P). Er komt ook een groepje jongens voorbij, en ik vond Daan gewoon een kwal. Nee is nee. Maakt niet uit of ze met je geflirt heeft of niet. Als ze uiteindelijk toch niet wil is dat haar goed recht. :|

Het boek wordt steeds spannender, vooral de sneeuw die met volle bakken uit de hemel valt helpt daarbij. Ik hou wel van een spannend boek waar mensen vastkomen in de sneeuw en dus niet weg kunnen komen. En dan zijn er nog kleine dingen, de deur die openstaat, voetstappen binnen en buiten het huis, een schaduw in de tuin. Ja, Mel Wallis de Vries weet precies hoe zij het spannend moet houden. Je zult echt op het puntje van je stoel zitten (of helemaal opgekruld in je bed).

De whodunnit? Tja, ik had echt geen idee. Maar ja, Mel Wallis de Vries kan dan nou eenmaal heel goed. Waar ik met veel boeken van thrillerschrijvers vaak al een goed beeld heb van de whodunnit, blijf je raden bij Mel Wallis de Vries, en vaak kom ik er niet achter tot het einde. Ja, ik heb ondertussen wel een lijstje hoor van potentiele daders, maar vaak staat diegene er dan niet op. :P Heerlllllijjjk!!! Maakt het boek ook nog spannender.

Ik vond het fijn dat er een epiloog was vanuit die persoon's POV. We zien wat er naderhand is gebeurd en ook hoe het nu gaat. Ik hou van epilogen want vaak zonder ze voelt het boek onaf. Net een superspannend stuk en dan is het boek voorbij terwijl ik dan vaak nog wil weten hoe het naderhand gaat.

Al met al, een fantastisch boek over vriendschappen, rivaliteit, geheimen en meer. De karakters zijn geweldig geschreven en er is bergen spanning om te zorgen dat je het boek niet kan laten liggen. Je moet gewoon verder lezen.

Review first posted at
Oogami-san, Dadamore Desu vol. 1 by Yuu Yoshidamaru, 吉田丸悠

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This was quite fun and went much further than the whole dirty daydreams and secrets part, it was also about finding friends, making friends, about if your hobbies are normal or not, and more. I liked the art!
Heartstopper: Volume Five by Alice Oseman

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Read on Tapastic, really enjoying this webtoon/comic, very emotional at times. Though I hope that Nick will choose the right university on what he wants, and not based on his relationship.