meleshajade's reviews
271 reviews

Echoes by Dylan Page

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Getting to read a little bit more about Keenan and Mina was exactly what I wanted. I also loved reading about Mina and Shay’s son, Hayden. It was so heartbreaking to read about the bullying and abuse that Hayden received because of the mistakes his father made, while also being incredibly sweet and uplifting to read about his and Keenan’s relationship. Keenan is all that Hayden knows in terms of having a father, but he still struggles with figuring out who he is. Is he more like Shay, or I guess Manic in this case? Or is he like Keenan? His father who stepped up and loved him regardless of blood relation. And his love story with Maddy? So freakin sweet
Mercy by Dylan Page

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Okay little babies! I went back to reread because I realized I was missing context while reading the last book.. also, I’m a glutton for punishment and just nosy. Now, reading the entire book and understanding Jeremy a little bit more has definitely helped put stuff into perspective. Why Jeremy is the way he is. His influences in life growing up. I get it. However, it does not mean he has every right to kidnap and SA a girl. And it made it worse to read that he was confused by her response to this happening? Like he just assumed she’d be alright with it? Weird.
Nylah is definitely having her Stockholm syndrome moment here, and who am I to tell her how to deal with her trauma? To each their own. I do think it would be better on my brain if he wasn’t 28 years older than her though… and maybe her not being 18? Creepy. Overall, I did enjoy the book (outside of scenarios spoken of prior. I just blacked out on those parts
Endgame by Chloe Walsh

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If Chloe Walsh writes in, I’m gonna read it
Promise Me Not by Meagan Brandy

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Mason was just as sweet as I thought he would be. I didn’t love that it took the entirety of the book for them to finally get together. It just kind of felt like the conflict was drawn out when it didn’t need to be. Why did Payton literally run away from Mason so many times instead of talking to him about her concerns? It drove me crazy.
Wild Eyes by Elsie Silver

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Punches her dad and then says “let’s blow this popsicle stand”… I’m in love with him
Under Your Scars by Ariel N. Anderson

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….I am currently not okay..