melissa_renee's reviews
205 reviews

French Holiday by Sarah Ready

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AUDIO READ: I just couldn’t get over the amount of descriptive words. How many times can one describe cheese or the sky?? It could have been the narrator’s voice and delivery but it just wasn’t my cup of tea.
From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Took me while to get into it. I kept putting it down and picking it back up over the past few months but about 25% in I was hooked. The surprise is not that surprising but there are other things that kept me intrigued. Downloaded book two!
Angry God by L.J. Shen

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5 ⭐️ LOVE this world she has built and omg my dark academia dreams came true in this book.

6/19/2023- reread this book and I still love it. The feel like all the things that I am like, what? She answers. Everything has a reason and it all just makes for a very good story.

Definitely check the trigger warnings. It has some pretty traumatic childhood trauma.
Riot House by Callie Hart

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Alllll my dark academia dreams come true.