meowreos's reviews
179 reviews

Never Lie by Freida McFadden

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perhaps im stupid but i did not see that coming? i was well entertained but both Trisha & Adrienne were so. annoying? not annoying really, i think i just wasn't expecting so much Romance TM in this book. 
Hammajang Luck by Makana Yamamoto

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HOW CAN YOU MAKE HEIST PLOTS BORING. storygraph tells me ive been reading it for 5 days but god does it feel longer
Kill Joy by Holly Jackson

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deep in my heart i knew pip was an annoying bitch (still love her in the og trilogy tho)
Penance by Eliza Clark

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the tumblr discourses really were like a slap to the face. all 4 stars for the sheer brainrot content
Sunburn by Chloe Michelle Howarth

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"Now is the time between birth and slaughter." Smth I'd get tattooed on me if I was obsessed w the book. I liked it a lot but not enough I think
The Dead Cat Tail Assassins by P. Djèlí Clark

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Good concept but the writing style and sense of humour weren't fully meshing with me. I enjoyed some elements though :') Mostly all the different sorts of assassins.