michaelbtice's reviews
154 reviews

Sleepers by Lorenzo Carcaterra

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I saw the movie based off of this book in theaters back in 1996. I remember enjoying the movie, but also hearing about the controversy surrounding it. I decided it was finally time to give the book a read.

There wasn't much changed between the two mediums, however the book definitely explores more the boys' lives in Hell's Kitchen and goes into more detail about the happenings at the upstate penitentiary.

However, knowing the controversy, and reading more into it after I finished the book last night, I definitely have to call into question whether this actually is a non-fiction book, as stated by the author. I don't feel that that detract's from the quality of the book, when viewed as a novel.

It is definitely worth a read, if fake true-crime is something you enjoy.
RedHanded: An Exploration of Criminals, Cannibals, Cults, and What Makes a Killer Tick by Hannah Maguire, Suruthi Bala

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I had never heard of the Redhanded podcast until I saw Dan Harmon talking about this book on Instagram. On his recommendation, I picked it up. This was an absolutely delightfully chilling dive into the minds of serial killers and what makes them tick. If you're a fan of true crime, then it is worth a read.