miss617's reviews
1066 reviews

Passion by Monica Walters

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I really wanted to love this, but the drama with Clayton was annoying and seemed out of left field. Gentry's moment of weakness seemed out of character for him, though it could have gone a completely different way.
Girl, Missing by Dreda Say Mitchell, Ryan Carter

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I really wanted to like this book, but there was too much going on. I found the final twist quite predictable, but overall, there were just too many different suspects involved in too many different crimes. I didn't particularly care for the writing style either and thought it was very repetitive. As a mom, I expected to empathize more with Gem, but I didn't feel much of a connection to her. None of the characters were particularly likable to me.
Rather: The Therapist by Grey Huffington

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This might be my favorite Grey Huffington book!

I was already sold on Priest from jump as a mom to an autistic son. But he turned out to be every. damn. thing. as the book progressed. Of the MMCs starting from the Eisenbergs, he might be my favorite (sorry, Luca!)

So many of Grey's heroines are brilliant in their own right, but there was just something about Rather. I wish we had gotten more interactions between her and Princeton, but that last one? Tears.

A tiny little quibble I have with this book is that there were some typos/grammatical issues. They didn't detract from the story, but they were quite noticeable. Still, I can safely say that - to me - Grey's writing really shone here. While there is a lot of context needed going into this book, I would not hesitate to recommend "Rather" to anyone wanting to dive into her books.