mlarick's reviews
262 reviews

A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall

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If you're looking for a cute couple, or a slightly different romance, this is a good book! Personally, i thought it was very slow but at the same time..endearing? I read it in one day, it's a pretty quick read. However, the characters don't have much depth (probably due to the fourteen different viewpoints) and were slightly stereotypical. Overall, it wasn't a bad book and I enjoyed it, but it's not something I'd read again or recommend to others.
Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith

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3.5 stars... first of all, such a pretty cover! loved carrying it around in public, made me look super artsy. i didn't think the book was bad by any means, but i did think it dragged on a bit. i felt like the author was trying to make things deep and have character development at the end, but i wasn't feeling it. personally, i think the big problem for me was the relationship between Teddy & Alice. to be honest, it seemed like Teddy was a jerk to Alice sometimes and she just easily forgave him or didn't even get annoyed. Teddys entire character annoyed me because he was really overconfident and never treated Alice with respect. and can we talk about Sawyer?? what happened to him?? he just up and left the entire picture after telling Alice she had no chance with Teddy? i think that was a loose end that could've been tied up at the end. honestly, i probably would've enjoyed this book a lot more if it ended with Alice and Sawyer, who was an actual sweetheart, becoming a couple and her and Teddy staying friends, or something like that. I also thought the book revolved around teddy a bit too much. Overall, it was a good book and i'd recommend it, just not a personal favorite or one i'll reread!
Who She Was by Stormy Smith

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i loved this book and everything it stood for.

first of all: i love the cover. it immediately jumped out at me, and was why i picked the book up in the first place.

trying not to spoil for others, but i enjoyed the separate perspectives and their different healing processes.

as someone that lives in iowa, it was bizarre but fun to be able recognize different places in the state and easily visualize everything.

suicide & abuse are always topics that make me very emotional, and this book portrayed everything in a such an accurate and real way that i couldn't help but shed a few tears. another aspect i loved was that there was no real romance or one person "fixing" the other. of course, the two protagonists helped each other in their separate journeys, but the majority of the healing happened by one character focusing on them, and only them. the characters sorted through their problems alone, with the support of the others, which i found much more realistic than other books.

the writing was truly beautiful, and this book has become one of my favorites.