mlarick's reviews
262 reviews

Suspicion by Alexandra Monir

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jesus. i feel like i’m one of the only people that liked it. first of all- i love this cover!! very mysterious and intriguing. suspicion might’ve started a bit slow, but the amount of plot twists, especially towards the end was astounding. the book starts off with your usually princess-y type situation where there’s a tragedy and then “oh no! whatever shall i do, i have to become a duchess!!” what a shame. but that’s where most of the cliche-ness (making up words left and right, oops!) stops. the book gets more entertaining as magical elements & a love interest are added. parts of the book are eerie, but not to a point where i’d consider it scary at all. the plot twists towards the end are a welcome surprise. i’ve read so much i can usually guess the “twists” but these ones shocked me. the ending might’ve been a tad rushed, but it still wrapped things up nicely. trying not to spoil here, but there was only one knot that didn’t get tied up, and i think that part would make for an interesting sequel or spinoff. overall, i loved this book and would highly recommend it to those looking for an eerie or fantasy book, or a mystery.