mmarzullo's reviews
156 reviews

A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

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HOW DOES SHE DO THIS TO ME EVERY TIME. This was flipping incredible I’m
The Dawn Chorus by Samantha Shannon

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A nice intermission between The Song Rising and The Mask Falling. I like that it focuses on Paige’s trauma and PTSD and her struggle to work through it. It also showcases Warden’s patience and willingness to care for her without overpowering her or belittling her emotions/memories. Very sweet. I love them.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

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3.5 stars. I love the MC Alex and Leigh Bardugo is an amazing writer but the story didn’t grip me as much as I wanted it to.
The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon

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This book destroyed me . It was fucking amazing.

I'm using this to write down theories so I don't forget them when the 5th book is finally released. There will be spoilers everywhere. You were warned.

Clearly Cade is a dream walker. He literally TOLD Paige early on in the book. Ch9 p.158. Cade says, "It was an act, Paige. When I saw you, I did feel drawn to you. You were a fellow jumper." LIKE WTF. HOW DID SHE NOT PICK UP ON THAT. Another dreamwalker possessed Arcturus, making Paige think he betrayed her. That dreamwalker was Cade, I'm sure of it. After the masquerade when Paige reveals her deal with Menard to Cade, he definitely possessed her. What did he do with her body during that time?

Is Jaxon working with Domino????? I think he might be. He saved Paige from the tunnels wearing a dissimulator. But to what end? p.419

Jaxon killed The Man in the Iron Mask. Who turned out to be Alfred from back at the seven dials. Jaxon also left Paige a note telling her that her father left her (what is likely) a substantial sum of money in his will. So Jaxon is a live and still playing his games. No idea who's team he's on.

As for the rest of Domino. Cardier clearly a double agent. Ducos was under the impression she had died. And then out of nowhere she shows up after the bombings and drugs Paige with white aster.

Arcturus loves Paige. He would never betray her and Paige finally sees the truth:

"And then I remembered something. Something I had known for months, but had never put together.
You told me once that there was something that proved that you were always on my side. Something that would betray you... if anyone but me could see.
>>I understood now. Far too late, I had solved the riddle Arcturus had given me. His dreamscape. The red drapes in his mind that only a dream walker could see...
>>He felt safest in the placed he had first held me in his arms.
>>A moment so powerful it had transfigured his dreamscape. A moment that forever shaped him. Because somehow, for some absurd reason, I was the very centre of his world."

And some more on Paige and Arcturus because they are soul mates and no matter what Samantha Shannon puts us readers through they WILL be together in the end.

"I can offer you nothing," he said. "Only a song in the shadows."
"Sing it to me," I whispered back.

"I want you to show me where to touch you. I want to know-" he rolled a thumb over the wing of my hipbone "-how to make your body sing."

Other reveals/wrap up: The Emim were once Rephaite. Not sure that came as a shock.

Kornephoros... I'm interested to see where his character arc will bring him. Used to be mates with Arcturus. Owed him a debt, maybe? Is that why he freed Paige?

Oh and Ivy. I'm obsessed with her and can't wait to see what she does in the upcoming books.
"It's Thuban I want. If it takes me the rest of my life, I swear on the aether, my face will be the last thing he sees in this world." Yes girl, slay.

In a nutshell... Paige united the crime syndicates in London and Paris to create a militia. Domino sees their worth and will provide funding and opportunities. Sheol II was destroyed. Paige also struck a deal with Menard that she and her militia will weaken if not destroy Scion London to pave the way for Menard in exchange that he no longer kill/execute any voyants on Parisian soil. We'll see how this works. Menard wants to destroy the Rephaim more than he wants to destroy voyants. But this is a tentative and turbulent alliance at best.

But now France has been bombed and we will not know if Arcturus survived.

Who bombed France? Was it Spain or Portugal? Was it planned by the Rephaim so they could erroneously blame free worlders in an effort to bring more countries/aid to the Anchor?

I HATE THAT I HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOKS S.O.S. That's all for now. Again... these are meant to be my notes so I can come back and figure out what the fuck is going on.
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I feel like 2 stars is being generous. The only thing that saved this book for me was maybe the last 8%. I LOVED book 1. But this entire book could’ve been condensed to 5 chapters and I probably would’ve enjoyed it more. Poppy’s inner monologue made my want to claw my brains out through my nostrils.

But the ending (and by ending I literally mean the last 5 pages) was