mmlk's reviews
76 reviews

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

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I really enjoyed this book! When I first started it I wasn’t sure if it was the book for me, but I ended up not wanting to put it down! I actually really liked how the story would change timelines, from past to present. I liked learning the backstory of the characters so you had an idea of why they did the things they did and why they thought the way they did. Sam was a really interesting character who started off as someone I felt really bad for and kind of saw him as weak but he ended up having a lot of fight in him! I didn’t really agree with all the things he did and often saw him as being cold hearted, but in the end he went through a lot of trauma and I think it shaped him into the type of person who will do whatever is necessary to get the correct outcome he wants wether that’s to further his career or communicate with friends. I had the most issues trying to like Sadie. She is an interesting character who I think often contradicted herself. (I.E Being upset with Sam about asking for Dovs help but then continued to keep contact with him for years later?) and don’t even get me started on Marx! He was a great friend and great person. Sam and Sadie were so lucky to have someone as supportive and open minded as him and I don’t think they would’ve gotten as far as they did without him. He was definitely my favorite character and the star of the book for me. I loved the ending, especially when we were in the POV of being in the pioneers game. Overall this was a great book!
Trial of the Sun Queen by Nisha J. Tuli

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I loved this book! It was sassy, funny and engaging. It had me guessing new theories every chapter and I didn’t want to put it down! I loved the writing style and I’m excited to read the other books in the series!
The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent

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This book did not go the direction I thought it was going to at all and I was hooked the entire time! I can’t wait to read the second one