monno_moo's reviews
119 reviews

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

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Gosh darn it Bardguo, you're making me just want more of the Grishaverse!!
The Road by Cormac McCarthy

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Overall I liked the book. The way that McCarthy chose to write the dialouge and the pace really intrigued me. There were however some slight issues with the book I had. This one may be personal but I wish that the Boy and the Man had names!! I couln not connect with them, no matter what because I could not imagine a whole person if you get what I mean? A name is part of the identidy of a person, and without the names of these characters I could not get that connection. Secondly, ahem *spoilers* The reason why I gave this 3 stars instead of 4 is the ending. Not because of the dads death I saw that forshadowed when the boy saw the other boy all alone. I wish that when the father had died, that it was the end of the novel. That it ended there. That what happened to the boy was shrouded in mystery. Left to the readers imagination. Not just to have some man come out of no where and take the boy with him. I don't know but it didn't seem as a good climax for the story.
Stolen Time by Danielle Rollins

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I was originally going to give this book 2 stars but I ended up giving it 3, we'll get into that a minute. With stolen time, I didn't love it, but I also didn't hate it. stylistically I didn't have a problem. I thought Danielle Rollins writing was well done and almost no problems. Now the story. The story was interesting, but the whole time travel was confusing for me, maybe it's just me, or maybe ot was how the story was planned. I think the author should have done more explaining or kept her concept of time travel more simple. It frustrated me that 'time traveling' was to put in place with some of the plot holes, especailly during the end. Another thing. I could tell that Rollins favored the character Dorthy. Even though we had the perpective of Ash I still felt like I barley knew him at all! I also really wished that the story shed some light on the other characters too, because I really wanted to know more about their past besides what era and what they did. The pacing at times was a tad iffy. This spans a total of one day, I definatly know that all that couldn't have happened in a single day (that was just a personal preferance for me). What made me rate this a 3 instead of a 2 was the ending. I won't spoil anything but I wasn't expecting that twist. I usually try to look for those, but a lot of times never see them if they are written well. Anyways the question is will I read the next book? The answer is maybe, we'll see what it looks like from a glance and go from there.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

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When I was reading this, I couldn't put it down! It was strange to me how I slowly fell more and more in with the world than all at once. It didn't hit me all at once. Every few chapters, Kell and Lilah just kept growing onto me, and maybe that is why I cannot stop gushing about this book. (I know I keep saying the word love but i cant help it!) I am in love with the different Londons and I'm so excited to discover more about the world, which is why I'm already starting the second one!If you haven't defiantly check this book out now!
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

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While I did love this book. I can say I perfered the first one more. It just took too long for the elemental games to happpen. there was a lot of dialogue and some filler that I still thought wasn'treally needed. Towards the end, when the games began though, let me tell you I was so absorbed. The action scenes were superb. Schwab is a great writer when it comes to characters and she did not dissapoint in this book. The end, while I will not spoil anything ws so nerve racking, I could not tear my eyes away from the pages.
Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody

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“People do not play this game to win, my dear. They play this game not to lose.”
One thing I want to get straight about this book. THIS IS NOT SIX OF CROWS. I know that on the book it says "house of the rising son meets six of crows" but the only similarity is the atmoshere that New Reynes has with Ketterdam. Now since that's out of the way. This book is good. I am a sucker for the characters who choose the wrong instead of the right, and I'm even more of a sucker for changing perspectives. And did I mention that this book offers both? well, it does. Enne and Levis character dynamic is one that intrests me so I was sucked in right away. A preppy girl that has no choice but to follow a crime lord? sign me up. I also love how Ennes charater goes through so much development. from barley getting out of her confort zone to diving right into it. My only problem with the world was how the 'talents' worked. I was a little confuzed by it a first, but then later on the book explained it more thank goodness. I still wasn't the biggest fan of thats how the magic worked in the world. concluding this review I give it a thumbs up and an even 4/5 star review. needless to say I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of King Of Fools!
Vicious by V.E. Schwab

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Where do I even begin on this book? Everything that V.E Schwab wrote in the volume is a masterpiece. The characters were evil, cunning, and oh so sinister. Schwab doesn't waste a minute on sugar coating the detail in Vicious. It is so bloody and brilliant. I loved the comparisons to Mary shellys Frankenstein whether it was intentional or not. The obsessions that these characters have over their end goals is insane. It keeps you hooked onto the book and never want to put it down. I have one last thing to say, if you haven't read this book then for Christ's sake GO READ IT!!!!