mouseyhare's reviews
272 reviews

Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

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Well.... it was cheesy supernatural YA. Not bad at all though, and I liked how the love triangle was written.
Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand

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Surprisingly quick read-- but I liked it a lot. I am all for plays with a good sense of wit, and this has that.
The Kingdom of Gods by N.K. Jemisin

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Ehhh... the second was definitely the strongest entry here in my opinion. Shahar was cute though, and getting more about Sieh was good too I suppose.
The Broken Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin

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Definitely better than the first one in terms of pacing and things actually happening. On to book 3! I'm looking forward to it.
How to Be a Heroine by Samantha Ellis

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Really interesting! Lots of references to books that I haven't read, though, so I felt like I was missing most of it. But it's still a quality memoir regardless, and maybe I'll pick up a few books from that.
The (Other) F Word: A Celebration of the Fat and Fierce by Angie Manfredi

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Read for Book Riot's Read Harder 2020 challenge for the prompt "YA non-fiction".

Almost docked a star because??? I am not sure except that bits and pieces made me roll my eyes but mostly because I had never really thought about the "fat experience" in that way. Full disclosure I am not really fat by any means which may have been where the initial eye rolling was coming from. Like wow how dare you be so positive about this! Which is the point. I think I liked SaucyƩ West's essay the most, but this anthology's full of the good stuff.
Aspects of the Novel by E.M. Forster

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A must read for anyone who likes reading. Or wants to write. Or both.