mrsgreen22's reviews
234 reviews

Promise Boys by Nick Brooks

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Another banned book in the making, and I say that with absolute love for this story. This story was so heartbreaking and fulfilling at the same time.
#Tellblackstories #Readbannedbooks
Vladimir by Julia May Jonas

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This was the longest, insecure, white savior, boomer read I've experience since I first learned as a toddler that the ABCs make words.

It was just so contradicting in so many ways, the main character would go on these obsessive rants about equality while excusing her predatory husband. She's the white woman that I warn people about. She knows all the things to say to your face to make you THINK she's inclusive, then she goes home and rants about women being sluts, how they "asked for it"........ BUT she's a good person cause her favorite student is a Black kid, and she voted for Obama twice......

I truly even hate the time that I took to write this review honestly lololol........okay I'm done.....