msrcreation's reviews
360 reviews

Not So Thanks in Advance by Clio Evans

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This wasn't my favorite in the series so far. I really like the main characters but overall the plot was a bit forgettable. 
Our Wonderful Days Vol. 1 by Kei Hamuro

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This was cute. It was overall just fine. I think it is the most slice of life series so it's slow going and very calm. I was expecting something to happen or really be memorable. It's only a 3 volume series so I plan to continue it and see if it's a series I can eventually love.
Everything is Fine Volume Two: A WEBTOON Unscrolled Graphic Novel by Mike Birchall

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Of course after that first volume I had to pick up the next volume and see what happened next. Some questions were answer and a whole ton of others were not. This series is an absolutely tense roller coaster where you have no idea what is going to happen. Can't wait to see what ridiculousness happens next. 
Everything is Fine Volume One: A WEBTOON Unscrolled Graphic Novel by Mike Birchall

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I have absolutely no idea what is happening but it definitely keeps you interested. I have a million questions but honestly even if they never get answered this was a great read.
Dear Haiti, Love Alaine by Maritza Moulite, Maika Moulite

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 This is one of those mix of good and bad that just didn't work out in the end. The good: I loved what we did learn about Haiti and every time food was mentioned I was drooling. It all sounds so good. I really like Alaine's personality. She was a good main character to follow. Any moments that were focusing on Alaine and her mothers relationship. The bad: Too many things happening. There are so many plot points that it became too much to keep up with. I became bored with most of the story and was just hoping for the parts I liked to come back. The romance. I don't know if I could tell you the love interests name. I love a good romance no matter the book but this one felt unnecessary. The format. I really enjoy multi format books but it didn't help this one. I did listen to the audiobook so that could have affected that but it didn't help the many plot points having it be in multiple formats. If this would have been focused more on the mother-daughter relationship I could've seen myself absolutely loving it but unfortunately I didn't enjoy it like I hoped. 
The Big Book of Pride Flags by Jem Milton, Jessica Kingsley

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 Received early copy from Netgalley. Opinions are my own.

This was simple and sweet. The illustrations are adorable and this would be a great starter book for kids or anyone or any age wanting to know more about a few of the pride flags. I would love to see this get sequel books to explore more flags that don't get seen as often. 
Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

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 I have a hard time with horror novels but I have been keeping my eye on some that interest me in hopes to find more I will love since I have so few. I think my constant watching of horror movies makes getting pulled into a novel a bit difficult because the visual is what tends to scare me. But that's just an overall note to those reading this review whenever I rate horror books. The beginning and end to this I really enjoyed but everything in-between I started to zone out during. Everything in the beginning is exactly what is happening with factory farming right now so while none of that shocked me it of course is always horrible to hear. It's violent and disturbing. Seeing how it would be handled the same way if we ate humans is definitely unsettling. The very end shouldn't have surprised me but it did. Loved that. Just wanted more from the middle of the book to keep my interest. But great read. 
The Lawrence Browne Affair by Cat Sebastian

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 I loved this so much more than the first book. While I enjoyed the characters in the first one the plot is what made it not as great as it could have been. With this second book the plot intertwined with the relationship so much better so I was able to get into it a lot more. It also helps that these characters are absolutely wonderful together. The relationship was so sweet and sassy and I loved every single scene they were in together. Great historical m/m romance. 
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho

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 This was lovely. I had such a good time following this story and it's characters. I loved the main character as soon as the first page. She's dealing with so much but you watch her grow and follow what she wants to do and be. The relationship was super sweet and I loved the friendships. I always enjoy a normal everyday world but with magic. The only weird thing was about half way or a little farther it felt like we we're at the end. Everything that happened seemed just like the event that would happen at the end of a book. I thought it was almost over while listening to the audiobook but then it would keep going. And it would seem like the end again but then would keep going again. I was enjoying what I was reading but it felt very weird. 
Chef's Kiss by Jarrett Melendez

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 Sweet, queer, and much weirder than I was expecting in a great way. This was a lovely read. Really enjoyed the friendships and watching Ben figure out what he truly wanted in life and not letting his parents dictate that for him. The relationship was sweet as well. Also can’t help but enjoy scenes with Watson. I definitely was not expecting a pig doing such ridiculous things but I loved it.