musicalmelody21's reviews
67 reviews

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

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Man, this was the best.

Skulduggery Pleasant is my favourite series of all time. I haven't read the first book in a while though, so I really couldn't remember what exactly happened in this. So I felt like I was experiencing this story blind all over again. I found myself laughing and crying hysterically as I read this. It really made me realise how much this book actually means to me.

I have never read a book (of this size) so fast in my life. It could not put it down. The characters are just such a highlight. Every single main character is so GOOD. And I'm remembering why I became attached to them it the first place.

This was such a fun ride and I can't wait to keep reading through this series. I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!!
Because You Love to Hate Me: 13 Tales of Villainy by Amerie

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Individual reviews of all the stories, overall review at the end.

The Blood of Imuriv:
3.5/5 I found the world, the rules and the little bit of history we got super super interesting. A monarchy with female heirs is a pretty interesting concept to me and I had fun just thinking about that. I felt the ending came very fast with almost no build up, but it shocked me and intrigued me so there is that. I wish I knew what happened next!
The Evil Vaccine: Keep the Darkness at Bay:
I laughed my head off all the way through this. It was so great

2/5 It had me at the beginning, but I think it was a tad long. It kind of petered off and got a bit boring.
Giants and Tyrants:
Just an analysis. Now I know that the previous story was based off of something other than Jack and the Beanstalk though.

Gwen and Art and Lance:
3.5/5 An interesting one for sure. I actually did like the format of the text messages, but sometimes it was hard to keep track of who was who. I was a tad confused at the end, but it was kind of mysterious and had me wondering. It’s good to have something different.
The Bad Girl Hall of Fame:
Nothing much to say here, it was fine.

Shirley and Jim:
3/5 I don’t know much about Sherlock Holmes but this was still quite entertaining nonetheless. Although, I didn’t really get invested til the end. And then it ended. But the ending was really great, but the story itself was not too interesting.
Dear Sasha, the 411 for Villains:
It was pretty funny actually, I enjoyed it.

The Blessing of Little Wants:
4.5/5 I NEED A FULL NOVEL OF THIS STORY! I really, really want to know what happens next. I loved the fact that magic isn’t completely hidden from the world, but the full extent of it is. That was a neat and unique angle to come from. The ending intrigued me.
Will the Real Villain Please Stand Up:
An analysis, but a very good one. It actually made me think about the previous story, and I ended up liking “The Blessing of Little Wants” more after reading it.

The Sea Witch:
5/5 THIS WAS AMAZING! I cannot gush about this enough. I already love Marissa Meyer as I am a very big fan of Renegades. So I was already looking forward to this story but it actually exceeded my expectations. I loved all the references to the original fairy tale, that was a neat touch. This was the first one out of this anthology that was truly dripping with villainous energy. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and I actually really felt for Nerit.
Which is pretty impressive since she fully murdered someone at the end but honestly…...he kinda deserved it. Yikes.

Villain or Hero? You Decide!:
The first half was an interesting read and the second half was fun! Although I may have come out with mostly a’s (yeesh!)

Beautiful Venom:
5/5 Holy crap, this was beautiful. I’ve never been a big fan of the medusa myths, I don’t really know why. But this story gave me a newfound appreciation for the myth and the character. I really really felt for Mei Feng and it made me think. I also loved all the culture radiating off of this, that was a really nice touch. Absolutely jaw dropping and wonderful.
Without the Evil in the World, How do we see the good?:
I love hearing other people's thoughts about stories and books (it’s why I spend ages scrolling through goodreads reviews) so I was all over this. And I really like the wording, I might check this guy out! (I searched him up, I don’t think he posts anymore
Armageddon Outta Here by Derek Landy

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Lots of great ones in here.

My personal favourites were The End of the World and the one with the New Zealander in (because come on, there's just something about seeing someone from your home country in your favourite series)
The Humans by Matt Haig

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"As a black hole forms it creates an immense gamma-ray burst, blinding whole galaxies with light and destroying millions of worlds. You could disappear at any second. This on. Or this. Or this one. Make sure, as often as possible, you are doing something you'd be happy to die doing."

I really don't know what to say about this book. All I know is that this is my new favourite book.


I have never felt this way about a book before. I have never gotten this excited by a book before (unless it's in a series with characters that I already love. For me to get this excited this over a standalone is a pretty big deal for me), I've never gotten this emotional over a book. A book has never spoken to me like this book did.

And it was funny too, jeez.

I can't even describe it, I just... I'll end with a quote that stuck with me for some reason. I don't even know why, I just like it.

"The scattering of light over a long distance creates a sunset. The crashing of ocean waves on a beach is created by tides which are themselves the result of gravitational forces exerted by the sun and the moon and the rotation of Earth. Those are causes. The mystery lies in how those things become beautiful."
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

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Jeez, this was hard. But really amazing too.

This addressed one of my biggest fears. I cannot fathom it and I dread it everyday. So this story was very confronting. And yet it was wonderful in a way I can’t explain.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

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This was extremely, painfully topical.

It helped me to understand the very particular situation in America at the moment. Although we do have a form of racism where I live, it's interesting and important to see the kind that is being discussed at large today from inside the community. It certainly made it easier to grasp

So, in short, this is one of the most important books I have ever read as a result
Playing with Fire by Derek Landy

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Love it, love it, love it.

note: I lost my review for this by accident :(
Dark Days by Derek Landy

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This was probably my favourite of the series so far (although we’re coming up on mortal coil now, which has been my favourite for ages)

Everything is so ironic in this book. Especially whenever they talk about Darquesse. Yikes. It was pretty funny.

This story was great and I was hooked the whole timenn
Death Bringer by Derek Landy

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Damn, we need a Skulduggery Pleasant movie or TV series so badly.

That ending fight between (you know who) and (that dude). Oh man, I would kill to see that recreated on the screen.

Not literally of course.......

well maybe