musicalmelody21's reviews
67 reviews

Mortal Coil by Derek Landy

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I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! I don't really know what to say, it's just genius. I was kinda scared Sanguine wasn't going to be in it and I literally cheered when he turned up. And man, that ending makes a lot more sense in retrospect.

God, I love this series. It's just... It makes me SOOOO happy. I'm glad that by the end of this series reread there will be a brand new book to finish it off!
The Faceless Ones by Derek Landy

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4.5 Stars

I don't think this book was as good as the last two, BUT IT WAS STILL AMAZING OBVIOUSLY.
The characters in this are just so killer and the last third was really really great. It just took a long time to get to that climax.
Even though I've read this before and I consider it my favourite series, I don't remember much about it. Which is why this re-read is so gosh darn fun, it's like I'm experiencing this for the first time.
Anyway, of course, it's great.
Midnight by Derek Landy

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I'm very conflicted about this.
But I did like it and had a lot of fun reading it.

The new characters are really growing on me. I love Omen so so much, I love Sebastian so so much, I love Temper so so much, and whoever this new guy is, I love him too.
And I am so so glad that Tanith is back!
The characters certainly are driving this second phase. Because whatever slow spots the story hit the characters would keep it entertaining. Although that's not really a phase 2 thing, it was very much a thing in the 1st phase too.

One more book til the new one and I am PUMPED!
Bedlam by Derek Landy

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It's Seasons of War time now baby!

This book was pretty great. It maybe felt a bit long, but I didn't mind. I love just emerging myself in this world and I have to be honest, I am kind of sad my re-read is coming to an end. This has been a blast!

Some interesting plot points introduced at the end there, I look forward to finding out what their deal is.

Just, fun and amazing, as usual.
Kingdom of the Wicked by Derek Landy

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Man, that was great

That.... that was probably my favourite. It was super long but I flew through it. The easiest read of my life.

Valkyrie and Skull-Man are so frickin cute. I remember reading a review on one of the other books that "they are soulmates, but not in a romantic way." That is spot on. There were so many times where I just squealed with the amount of cuteness in front of me.
When he started singing the lullaby. OMIGOD

I liked how this book gave some humanity to Darquesse, it's really good to see that she is not completely indestructible and one-note (at least not yet). I liked seeing that side of her.

Anyway, yep great. Obviously.
Last Stand of Dead Men by Derek Landy

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Gosh, I hate this book so much. With a burning passion.

But it was good.

It has, I think, the most hatable villain of the serious so far easily. I wanted to punch his stupid face. And although I know the basics of how they get out of the situation they're in, I don't really remember exactly what happens. So this should be interesting.

So excited to read the next book!
The Dying of the Light by Derek Landy

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Just Wow......

I just......god I love this series.

I mean, my re-read isn't even finished, I've still got four books to go but-

I'm literally speechless. This was amazing. I could not look away.

I could say that that ending is lazy, but it's just such a perfect ending and it's so.....Skulduggery.

Lots of squealing. Lots of embarrassing squealing. I knew a lot of what was going to happen, but yeah I was not prepared.

Thank you so much. Thank you for this incredible series, it is just something else.
Seasons of War by Derek Landy

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Definitely the best book in Phase 2 so far.
Gonna be honest though, the end was a tad anticlimactic, but still a ton of fun.
There were so many squeal-worthy moments
and there are so many things that are set up in this book that I CANNOT wait to see the pay off of
Dude when the characters find out that Darquesse is back (somewhat) and when they find out who Crepuscular is. Ooooh

I'm kind of in the freak out stage at the moment. You'll have to excuse my ranting.

Just....just yes.
Supernova by Marissa Meyer

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Wow! What an end to a book series. This series is one of my favourites and I LOVED this book! I could not put it down. Lots of plot twists and amazing moments. I really hope that it is continued in one way or another because it would be sad to say goodbye to this incredible world. What an awesome time!