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musingofsouls's reviews
69 reviews

The Scam List by Kurt Dinan

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Absolutely love the book. I wasn't expecting such good plot with high school characters. The characters felt very real and i could find myself in their place as well. The book is very intriguing and i could finish it very easily. Love the book!

(Update: A detailed review will be soon published on my website and I'll be adding the link here then!)
After All I've Done by Mina Hardy

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I could not believe what I was reading. Twists and turns at every point. It is definitely not a predictable book. You'd sure be hooked to this book if you love suspense and thriller. It is written from different POVs which makes it super exciting!

A 4.5/5 for me!

(A detailed version of the review will be posted on the website sooner. The link will be posted later!)
I Hope You're Listening by Tom Ryan

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One of the best mystery books I've read so far.

' What happened to Sibby Carmichael that afternoon in the woods? If anyone should remember, it's me. I was there, after all.'

I have no words for the book. It left me awestruck. Well, first I wasn't expecting all the twists and turns taking place in the book. It was absolutely fun!

Delia Skinner is not able to get over the incident that took place in her left about ten years ago. While playing in the woods with her best friend Sibby, a horrific thing happened. Sibyl got abducted in front of her eyes and she was not able to do a single thing.

The guilt followed her everywhere and thus during one of her sleepless nights, she decided to start 'Radio Silent' in which she was the seeker, trying to help others find the people who went missing. But, another girl has gone missing recently and people are now making connections. Dee can get information about Sibyl and maybe help the missing girl as well, but, will she open up her identity to the world for that?

Overall, the book held me through. I was not able to peek out of the book at all, I kept reading and reading until I was able to finish it. Dee Skinner seems a very normal and original character. Something which I love about books is not-so-perfect-characters. She is scared to face her past yet she is a warm and loving character.

The mystery of the book is not something you really can figure out yourself. It was not a very predictable book, again a good thing. The supporting characters are well developed as well. They hold upon the expectations and bring out the character of Dee this way.

There are a few 'oh-this-cannot-be-true.' moments but it did put the book off.

The writing style is really good and engaging and I bet everyone who loves mystery will love reading this book! A lot of research and a lot of hard work is reflected in the book.

Great book, great read!

(A longer and better version of the review will be posted on a later date on my website!)
A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien

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Magic, circus and a beautiful story of friendship and love. I am not sure what else do you need for a perfect fantasy book!

Caitlyn has been dreaming of the things that she doesn't know and when a guy walks one day in the cafe she works in, an inner voice starts talking to her. When Caitlyn finds out that the guy handed a template for the circus, she with her best friend Vanessa decides to go to the circus to have some fun. But, the circus is no ordinary one, Caitlyn gets visions of horrible things, and, there is someone in the show who has eyes on her.
The ringmaster has the perfect plan to capture the girl and to fight him, she will have to leave everything behind. With the people at the circus and the handsome magician Daniel, she will do her best to fight but the Ringmaster can succumb the powers and control the mind of others. Will Caitlyn be able to fight the dark master?

A beautiful tale, with minimum gore and absolutely can be enjoyed by anyone of any age! The story is multi-POV and the description is really well. At some points during the book, it got a bit boring to continue, but, that was not something that interfered with my reading. The characters are beautiful yet they seem so perfect which makes them a bit unreal, again, it is a fantasy and anything can happen but characters with flaws can be connected very easily.

The world flow is easy and the story has a good grip, the sub-characters need a bit more detailing so one can know more about them. The conversations and the description of the looks of the sub-characters are minimal but yet enough to know that they are there!

Overall, A nice read, and I would love to read the other books in the series!