mwatts168's reviews
94 reviews

Every Day Is Election Day: A Woman's Guide to Winning Any Office, from the PTA to the White House by Rebecca Sive, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

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I think the idea of this book is AMAZING! Encouraging women to run for office, no matter the size is an issue very dear to my (And hopefully every woman's) heart. However, I felt like this book included a lot of useless or irrelevant info. A lot of the content was common sense, but I guess it's never a bad idea to put info in to level the background knowledge for all readers. My favorite part was at the end of the book; she includes every imaginable resource for women running for office, etc.
The Best Teen Writing of 2017 by Trace DePass

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I gave this 4 stars because there were some pieces that I could not believe a teenager wrote, they were phenomenal! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone since it has a variety of writing styles. If you get to read this book some of my fav pieces are:
- Teaching little girls to turn into plastic dolls
- Melancholy
- My elephant
- When a black girl gives birth
- 5 cigarettes I’ll probably buy again
- Veils of expectation
- The role of the UN
- On ableism
- Pulse
- Unsolicited advice..
- A collection of current event stats

All But My Life: A Memoir by Gerda Weissmann Klein

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I have never cried so much while reading a single book. I loved it so much, definitely one of my favorites. The relationship between Gerda and Ilse is so strong and touching.
Shoutout to Ms. Uppstrom for making us read this book đź’Ż
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

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I really liked this book!!! It was creepy to think about (especially in our current political situation....) I half read this, half listened to it and I must say I listened to it in the shower a lot (usually I listen to podcasts, and yes I take long showers) but I got nervous that my family would hear it and wonder if I was listening to something else..... There are some weird scenes. BAD ENDING!!!
Buckeye Battleground: Ohio, Campaigns, and Elections in the Twenty-First Century by

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I wasn’t expecting much from this book. I read it as part of an assignment in my Ohio History class. However, this book proved me wrong. It had so many interesting points and data. I really think this book got me back into the wave of politics (except the campaign chapter which was meh)
Coming Clean by Kimberly Rae Miller

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I gave this four stars because I didn’t have high hopes for this book. It is about a woman who grew up with parents that were hoarders. I was never bored reading this, it was intriguing and didn’t dehumanize her parents.
The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith

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Alexander McCall Smith is my dude!!! I didn’t like this book as much as The no. 1 Ladies Detective agency. However, the end of the book was eventful. The ending was smack in the face, but a good one.
Thug Notes: A Street-Smart Guide to Classic Literature by Sparky Sweets

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This was HILARIOUS but also good. He explains it well, but with good content and thoroughly.
Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder by John J. Ratey, Edward M. Hallowell

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This book was actually really good, even though I gave it 3 stars. I gave it 3 because it didn’t give me good advice as to what to do and how to live with ADHD, and that’s what I thought it would do.
However, it was really good to read stories of people and learn why things happen and how they’re due to ADHD.
The Jungle: The Uncensored Original Edition by Upton Sinclair

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This book was amazing, except for the first and last chapter. I wish I could just delete the last chapter from my brain because it’s affecting this review.
Before I read this book I thought its purpose was to expose the meat packing industry, but I realized it’s not entirely about that.
As the book progressed, the more I started to see Sinclair’s motive. I thought he was just pointing out poor working conditions. Then problems for immigrants. Then I thought he was asserting that those with lower socioeconomic statuses need to be supported. BUT the last few chapters were all about socialism... the last one was like the transcript of a socialism informercial. Everyone knows that the last chapter/ last 20 minutes of a book/ documentary show the agenda of the creator.

All in all this book was great. I think Sinclair did a great job of showing how the working class is oppressed and without protection, they will practically be drowning and barely surviving.