mwatts168's reviews
94 reviews

Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith

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My boi Alexander McCall Smith with a great book, again! I love this series because it's easy going and makes me happy. They are a good escape from what's going on in the world and especially America..... I'm talking about you, SCOTUS.
Live from New York: An Oral History of Saturday Night Live by Tom Shales, James Andrew Miller

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I really liked the way this book was set up and obviously, I liked it because it was about one of my favorite things in the world. It was really cool to read about SNL, especially the seasons that I didn't know much about. Reading the parts from some of my favorite cast members was so heartwarming- Jimmy Fallon talking about Tina Fey made me tear up a lil bit. It was also inspiring to read some of the cast members stories.
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde

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Why did anyone ever let me live my life without telling about Audre Lorde??
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff

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This book in one sentence:
Y’all’s President is a 6 year old in a 70 year old’s body LOL!!!!
Bonus sentence(s): the man doesn’t even read, like not even a page long memo! Then, he is greatly persuaded by people. He takes the opinion of whoever last talked to him, so he fillip flopped on issues Bc he doesn’t actually know what he thinks.
Yes Please by Amy Poehler

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I loved this so much!! I laughed out loud and there were times when I started to tear up (when Seth talks about Amy). I loved this book. I love Amy.