mwatts168's reviews
94 reviews

Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment by Francis Fukuyama

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I wrote a 4 page "dissent" to this book, which was fueled by adderall (prescribed to me) and Red Bull, and I will not attach it. Just know this book was not a good take.
Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State by Samuel Stein

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Really liked this book, but there wasn't much that I didn't already know. It really focused on New York City, which is understandable, but I can't exactly take what the book discusses and connect it to Delaware, Ohio. (Looking for lit on local policy). Anyway, I would recommend. It is easy to read.
Don't Touch My Hair by Emma Dabiri

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Wow! I loved every page of this book. My good friend Lily bought this for me in Ireland and she did a good ass job. Def one of my fav books!!
Frankenstein: The 1818 Text by Mary Shelley

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Mary Shelley you orientalist poor people hating asshole.