mybookloveobsession's reviews
526 reviews

The Ring and the Crown by Melissa de la Cruz

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Slow start, seeming like way to much being stuffed in at once; however, once you get into the story - the plot and characters draw you in.

You get to a point where you want to know what is coming next and don't want to stop reading. While the story is not my favorite from this author, I find myself rooting for some characters and hating others.

I like that while it is a historical romance of sorts, the women aren't weak and make their choices based on their wants. I like that the women have their smarts about them.

4 stars because itnwas well written and kept me interested. Great storyline and fun read.
Sea Witch by Sarah Henning

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Being a Little Mermaid fan, and Ursula the sea witch being my favorite character, I fell in love with the concept, storyline and plot of this book. Well written and great characters. The ending, epilogue mainly- probably my favorite. But you must read the whole story for it to tie in perfectly.
The Protector by R.S. Lively

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Fast, easy read that was a good in between for other books that I am reading. Not something i would pick back up a second time but enjoyed reading it.
Accidental Hero by Nicole Snow

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Still in love with the characters and the story line but feel this one was rushed and I could have had more story.
Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw

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Not my cup of tea but a nice story