On the one hand-- so sweet! great ambiance! Plucky protagonist! magic cats! What's not to love? On the other hand, SO MUCH is left unsaid and unexplained. Whatever happened to her first cat friend? What's the deal with the magic? What's the deal with the bracelet? What's the deal with the connection between the mother and the old man? Why is the kitten alive? What is going on??!! I'm left unsatisfied with so many answers. Still, I gotta appreciate a very villainous villain pair, they were wonderful as villains. And I did still enjoy this read.
The second half of this story is wonderful. Creepy, based in real cultural practices, some touching connective family moments, great suspense, it's got everything. Why did I have to wait 150 pages before it got good? I wish the first half of this story were cut down to one chapter and then we got into the good stuff right away.