nashwa017's reviews
378 reviews

Feather and Bone by Lazlo Strangolov

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Picked it up from a children's section but if I read this as a kid, I would have nightmares. I've grown up love weird literature, dark humour with undertones of cannibalism so it was just my kind of thing.
Crooked by Louisa Luna

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Picked it up because the cover and the whole interface looked interesting but I found this book written very cleverly. The first few pages made it seem difficult but it was easy to get into after the first chapter. The switching timelines made you look into the mind of a person who was deeply disturbed by the past and made it difficult to adjust to a life post-prison. Glad I read it!
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz

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Since I'm a slow reader, any book I read in a day must mean that it's extraordinary! This book was quite fun and the short chapters made it easy to read. Finally, a book where the characters have amazing parents! That is another reason this book resonates so strongly with me, I had the same fears as Ari and I could relate to this particular theme. Best book read in a while!