nashwa017's reviews
378 reviews

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

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As someone who likes cats, I really enjoyed the part with the talking, sassy cats and then suddenly lost interest when Nakata couldn't understand them anymore. The torture scene, being a cat lover and all, also really put me off.

Aside from the cats, I kind of liked the book, it did have a sense of mystery, even though not everything made sense. I think I'll give Murakami one more chance but the book did not live up to the hype. I also feel that some of it was lost in translation from English to Japanese.
Karachi, You're Killing Me! by Saba Imtiaz

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Several people, I mean several people told me to stop reading this. They told me I'll be wasting my time but I decided to brave through it. My issue with Pakistani authors is that I can never tell who they write for. I found this book so unrelatable.

I also find it funny that this author referred to some other writer in the story as a "ditz" while her own stories lacked originality and the parts which had potential never lived up to them. Oh well.
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

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I read this book quickly because I was travelling and had absolutely nothing else to do. Not entirely sure how I feel about it though, as it did not live up to the expectations and the hype I read online. The female protagonist (whose name I'll already forgotten) seemed to have no self control over actions and lacked depth, and plot had some predictable turns. I give it 2.5 stars.