natblevins's reviews
483 reviews

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

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the writing was beautiful, but at times it was very confusing. I also didn't understand the love between Amar and Maya. I mean I got the gist of it but found it lacking and I wish we got to know more into their pasts, I would've felt more connected to them or what drives them as characters.
The Dragon's Price by Bethany Wiggins

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I still don't know how I feel about this one. so imma leave it like this for now, y'all! ✌🏻
The Raven Queen by Jules Watson

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2.5 • although I liked it, it felt unnecessarily long, so long in fact, that at one point I kept yelling at the book to just bloody end lol.

I did love the amazing landscape descriptions. the writing and romance were decent. there was some magic and the overall plot was intriguing enough to continued reading but there were certainly a lot of boring parts :/
The Vagrant by Peter Newman

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I wanted to like this book, believe me I did. but it was confusing as hell.

is very difficult to understand the main character 'cause all he does is nod (he's mute), carry a baby around and maybe fight. we don't get any of his inner thoughts or even his motives, and as for the other characters I felt equally detached too.

to me, the setting was almost nonexistent and hard to follow. the writing is pleasant but that's all it's got going for.
Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B. Larson

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• it lacks on the worldbuilding, the multiple POVs kind of throws you off at first. and the magic system is nothing new.

• the romance was sweet ... like ... rotten teeth sweet (which is not a bad thing, just merely pointing out how sweet it was, but on occasions not my thing)

• and the characters are likable in their own way, and some you will forget after the book's done. but even after all that I was still into it.

so ... 🤷🏻‍♀️
Did I Mention I Need You? by Estelle Maskame

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I'm a little disappointed with this one 'cause I really liked the first book, but Eden was whiny, selfish and downright annoying and Tyler was no better although his reasoning for doing what he did at the end was valid, so I'll give him that. but other than that my heart sang every time they were miserable. I don't know if I'll read the 3rd book, depends on how much I hate myself that day! ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shadow Run by AdriAnne Strickland, Michael Miller

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imagine Princess Leia being captain of a spaceship who also has the ability to access this Shadow energy power and Han Solo a noble prince, with noble ideas (unknown to the crew, of course) joining the ship in hopes to earn their trust and help for the survival of his home planet...

The Far Reaching Tentacles of N'rygoth by Kurtis J. Wiebe

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3.5 ★ I don't remember enjoying the first volume, as much as I did this one. it was both hilarious and badass.
The Valiant by Lesley Livingston

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3.5 ★ I liked the sisterhood of gladiators. Thought brutal at times, it's fierce and loyal. the world-building and history were probably my favorite part.
You Die When You Die by Angus Watson

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this was abso-fucking-lutely fantastic and so bloodthirsty!

every single character has a uniqueness, and strangeness to them, that you sort of appreciate, doesn't matter if you loathed or love them.

from the batshit crazy fight scenes (which were gruesome, I tell you) to the hilarious, this book was something wild.