nathaniacalaee's reviews
219 reviews

Sight Unseen by Kasha Thompson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
DNF @ 10% 
“Then there was his full beard. A beard I couldn’t wait to get sticky and wet.” … what 
The premise sounds so cute, but we are only THREE CHAPTERS in. Ms. Thompson, I need you to slow down!! I would’ve tried to force myself through this book, but I don’t want to get into a reading slump, so I decided to save myself. Not bad, just not for me!
The Stopover by TL Swan

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*says the most terrifying thing that could happen to a woman* “if I were a rapist that’s what I would do” oh- that’s not… 😀
Jim/Jameson/Jay was a walking red flag that had nothing to him but money… that’s it. And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that’s just not enough. I can’t even give this book a rating because as much as I hated every second, I read/listened to every single page so what does that say about me… I don’t know 🤷🏾‍♀️ 
Emily was just so blank. Where was the… (this is harsh I’m sorry but) self respect? Like girls support girls but ain’t no way Molly encouraged her behavior. Emily fell in love with him WAYYYY too quickly especially since she knew that he was treating her poorly too like girl what… 
I was going to read the next book because I liked Tristan but upon reflection it is not enough to figure out what happens in the next book in this series or beyond
The Last of the Moon Girls by Barbara Davis

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 6%.
I want to persist but I realize that I just don’t care enough to listen/read 43 more chapters of this… 
Royal Valentine by Sariah Wilson

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My personal favorite in the series <3
Drop, Cover, and Hold On by Jasmine Guillory

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I haven’t finished this little series but this is for sure the worst one… I was incredibly uncomfortable
Mother of Death and Dawn by Carissa Broadbent

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This book was everything I could’ve ever wanted out of a fantasy series! I can’t stop thinking about it! 
Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer

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This book is perfect for a bounce back after a dnf! I enjoyed this book and I was never bored because I read the entire thing in 2 sittings but there was something missing. Near the end I started getting more interested in what would happen in the next book rather than Jamie and Pippa’s. Regardless, it’s such a lovely book that had me squealing, crying, throwing up, kicking, soaring, literally all the emotions!!
The Long Game by Elena Armas

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I got 30% through and I was getting bored… I decided to look it up on tiktok and tell me why a girl said they took a pottery class and he was SPANKING the clay… I started cackling! Im sure if I got to that part it wouldn’t have been that bad but hearing it told me everything I needed to know
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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Yeah this is a lesson to always read the synopsis and don’t judge books by covers! 😄