ncssundormas's reviews
134 reviews

Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong

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my favourite part about chloe’s books has to be the author’s note giving me a lil history lesson at the end, it’s always so interesting to me 🥹

this book was so good!! I did get a tad spoiled for it but it wasn’t anything I hadn’t predicted beforehand, and the plot twists I wasn’t told about were much better anyways. the characters were all so enjoyable too. I didn’t expect much from this book after hearing it’d be from rosalind’s pov (for the most part) which is why I put it off for so long but it was so good and I now love her too. chloe’s writing style can sometimes be a bit heavy, which can put me off from beginning anything of hers 😅 but it’s worth it once I get going! looking forward to… whatever the novella book is called I completely forgot 😭
Spider-Gwen, Volume 3: Long Distance by

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Did not finish book.
I’ve decided to DNF this run. I’m just not enjoying it very much. the art style isn’t my fave, the storyline is meh at best, and honestly the only thing keeping me going is evil Murdock because he’s fun. beyond that, nothing grabs me about this run or Gwen’s character here 
Spider-Gwen, Volume 0: Most Wanted? by

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my first dive into gwen’s comics!! overall pretty good, and some of the alternate-universe things in her universe that vary from the main marvel storylines really caught me off-guard! however, I didn’t love the art style in this, and one story choice in particular wasn’t very to my liking, but that’s just personal preference.
I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston

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I read this in two days after not reading anything since the first week of September, woohoo 🥳 honestly, I really enjoyed it!! it was a little too stereotypically American high school for my taste, but beyond that, all the characters felt so deep and were so definable and enjoyable to read about. the plot was entertaining and I really liked the scavenger hunt for clues. it ended on a really good note as well, and I’m satisfied with it!

perfect for fans of academic rivals to lovers, for sure!
Imagine Me by Tahereh Mafi

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it redeemed itself with that epilogue but idk, I found a lot of it just unpleasant to read. not much actually happened. I preferred Restore Me and Defy Me 1000x more
Reveal Me by Tahereh Mafi

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why does every single one of these end on a cliffhanger?? I’ve got stuff to do with my life other than binge read 😭
Defy Me by Tahereh Mafi

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GAHHH THIS WAS SO GOOD. the characters, as per usual, were the stars, but finally a book in this series deserves 5 stars from me because THERE. IS. PLOT. WOOHOOOO!!

gosh, I truly loved this. the last chapter was so sweet. I was so confused going into it but the questions were cleared up pretty quickly. of course, I don’t think ALL of the questions have even been asked, much less, answered, which is partly why I’m SO excited for more!!

it’s been ages since I felt this invested in a series. I’m so happy 😭
Shadow Me by Tahereh Mafi

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I’m so confused man 😭😭 was the ending of Restore Me just Juliette hallucinating then? I’m so confused but also very excited. also I love Kenji 🫶
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

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GAHHH i loved this book so much 😭 I’ve rated it 4 stars bc in the end, the plot is secondary to everything else and the ending was a little rushed, BUT I don’t think I’ve ever loved a character-driven book this much. I tend to prefer plot, and characters aren’t typically enough to make me want to continue a series but hey, this one is an anomaly I guess. but yeah. Juliette finally in her girlboss era, Kenji still sunshine, Warner… honestly I’m conflicted because his personality is like a pendulum but I like him lol.

overall can’t wait to read the rest of the series!!