nebulous07's reviews
297 reviews

Murder at the Columbarium by Emily Gallo

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"All Jed had was his engaging, honourable personality. He hoped that would be enough." And it is definitely more than enough. Emily Gallo's "Murder at the Columbarium" has an intriguing plot, one that is layered in the background of many important and relevant subjects of modern society that is centred around race, sexuality, political beliefs and drugs. This book is an absolute page-turner even with a very clear and direct writing style. Apart from the main plot, the book is guided by empathy, kindness and the principle of making the best use of what one has got. I absolutely enjoyed the diversity and inclusivity present in this book through memorable characters such as Malcolm, Savali, Juniper, Dutch, Homer and of course Uncle Tony. The love and partnership between Jed and Monica Gibbons is so realistic and beautiful. The parallels between SFPD and the FBI was note worthy and this book is definitely thought-provoking and engaging.
A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for providing a free review copy of this book via the author.
Fierce: Essays by and about Dauntless Women by Nancy Agabian

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Organic Photography's and Nauset Press's cover photo and book design respectively caught my eye when I came across Fierce: Essays by and about Dauntless Woman. It was only through reading the Foreword and Introduction that is beautifully written by Karyn Kloumann that I understood the symbolism of it. This book is so informative along with being educational and the narrative style of all writers captured my attention. Each story is so different but yet so alike as it celebrates the indomitable spirit of the thirteen remarkable firebrand of women. The challenges and struggles faced by these women go beyond borders and the single word association for the direction of the essay that highlights the essence of each and every one of them makes it a very authentic, raw and emotional read. There is always something to learn and take away from every essay.
A big thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book.
One Fine Mess by Mark Petersen

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"One Fine Mess" by Mark Petersen is definitely an adventure filled crime comedy. Jules Nichols is a fierce, determined woman who emerges as a protective lioness once her family is threatened. I could not help but admire her strength and resolve during the toughest of times. Wesley is an adorable goofball and very earnest. The journey of Cadillac Frank to Half-A**ed Frank (in the literal sense) was hilarious though I ended up feeling bad for him (just a little bit). There are several laugh out loud moments and once you get used to the writing style, this book is one rollercoaster of a ride. I really like how Mark introduced the supporting characters (Detective Burpee, Emma, Homer, Bree along with Sal and Pino) and they fit well into the overall plot of the story. The overall style of the book certainly gave me Carl Hiaasen and Janet Evanovich vibes!
A big thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book.
Deadly Secret by T.J. Logan

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"Deadly Secret" by T.J Logan is what I would fondly classify as a snuggly blanket of a book. It is a wonderful mix of suspense, romance and the value of family. The romantic suspense between Beck and Gwen is so well layered and I could literally feel their initial fears, apprehensions and their growing feelings towards each other and before I knew it I was rooting for them! The bromance between Beck and Caleb is strong and authentic. This really binds well with the values of the O'Halleran family, who have become one of my favourite literary family characters. Each one of them have their own distinct personalities which makes them so unique. All of these components seamlessly fit into the overarching action-driven plot. T.J's level of detail really makes it so engaging and I found it very hard to put this book down. I am so happy to hear that there is a series and I certainly look forward to reading the stories of Caleb and Johnathan!
A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy via the author.
The Suspects by Katharine Johnson

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Katharine Johnson's "The Suspects" is a gripping psychological thriller. This book takes us back in time to 1988 and is based in Bristol, England. This story finds five very different individuals (Emily, Imogen, Xanthe, Zak and Stuart) deciding to buy a house and share the mortgage payments and are truly bound together after the collective decisions that they make after discovering a body in their basement. Each character has their own secret and baggage and as the pages turn, the web of lies and deceit magnifies. The story is narrated from Emily's point of view and the last sentence in every chapter is a hook that drives you to turn the pages to truly understand the events that unfolded on that fateful night. The time lapse of this book is well done and easy to follow. This book is truly a satisfying read!
A big thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book via the author.
The Prodigal by Maritza Sardon

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"The Prodigal" by Martiza Sardon is an engaging crime thriller that is balanced a strong message of how love can overcome even the most painful and adverse situations. Samantha's strength and perseverance for the truth about what happened to her brother, Michael makes her a very memorable character and having chapter's from Michael's point of view really gives the readers a glimpse of how their complicated family dynamic is. There is no sugar coating the monstrosities and actions of the villains which makes it a raw and intense read. It is also very action packed with the internal politics within the FBI and this layers the overall plot very well. At the end of it, I was certainly surprised by the twist of events which kept me hooked and was Team Josh all they way! A five star satisfying read and I cannot wait to read more of Martiza's work.

A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book via the author.
Miracle Man by William R. Leibowitz

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"Everything has its reciprocal, its opposite."

William R. Leibowitz's "Miracle Man" is an all encompassing book that transcends the label of book genres. It is a book that captures the spectrum of the human spirit through different lenses (the intelligent mind of Dr. Robert Austin, the Government Organisations and Intelligence Agencies) in the background of current societal norms, particularly with the business model of pharmaceutical companies. There is an element of a spiritual and humanistic messages that are woven through strong and memorable supporting characters which celebrates what makes us human. The level of research undertaken to demonstrate the genius of Dr. Austin is present in nearly every page and this book is a balance between science and faith. The ending caught me off guard for I was not ready to let this book go but I can't wait to dig into the next book an immerse myself in the spell-binding writing style of William R. Leibowitz. I don't think 5 stars is enough for a rating.

A thank you to BookSirens for allowing me to be a part of the ARC team of this book. This review is left voluntarily.
Lily's Homecoming Under Fire by Anna Celeste Burke

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Anna Celeste Burke's "Lily's Homecoming Under Fire" is a book that literally starts with a bang and the presence of the central plot is right on page one. It is a wonderful mix of mystery and romance with memorable and eccentric supporting characters. The central plot is wonderfully layered by the complexity of blood ties, the prospect of luck and an element of being unlucky in love. Lily Callahan is a relatable character and has moments where she truly shines. I admired the strength and tenacity of Judy Tucker and adore US Marshal Austin Jennings and Marlow is a character that can never be forgotten. The undeniable chemistry between Lily and Austin really tugs the heart and their partnership while discussing the case is so well written. Anna's last sentences at the end of every chapter spikes your curiosity level and you cannot help but turn the pages. I cannot wait to read more books of this series.

A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me this ARC via the author.
She's a Good Girl by Naomi Bellina

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A strong, determined and upfront DART (Damage Avert and Rescue Team) agent who is career-driven with an intriguing crime plot that involves assistance from an ex-elite military man is not only hard to pass but equally difficult to put down. Naomi Bellina's She's a Good Girl is a fast-paced, driven and an engaging read. Agent Lily Blume has become one of my favourite characters who does not back down easily. Her passion for her job and her intention to get the job done shine bright throughout the pages. Her character growth especially when it comes to trust and the matters of the heart is really beautiful. Dillon Hurst is a not only a strong lead character but also a refreshing one for he clearly knows what he wants and has his human moments of doubt. The chemistry between Lily and Dillon is electrifying and romantic suspense is taken to a whole new level in this book. Their partnership and their banter complements the plot really well. There are many twists and turns that make both lead characters confront their past and makes it a very satisfying read.
A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book via the author.
An Excuse For Murder by Vanessa Westermann

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"An Excuse For Murder" by Vanessa Westermann is a refreshing mix of romantic suspense and mystery. Set in Caulden, England, this book is mainly based on the point of views of the protagonists, Gary Fenris and Kate Rowan. Gary is far from being a saint but a highly complex character battling his inner demons. His character development really complements the overall plot of the book. Kate Rowan is a prayer answered for she is driven, self-assured and independent character which is refreshing for a local bookstore owner. Her moments of strength and empathy really stand out in this book and I couldn't help myself being Team Kate. Their interactions and banter is well written and the romantic suspense is a lovely puzzle piece to the simple but very effective mystery of this book.
Vanessa's writing style and prose is engaging and spell-binding as I found myself in Caulden in my mind's eye and in the head of the key and supporting characters (Great Aunt Roselyn, Ian, Elena, Percival, Isra and the unforgettable Marcus). The ending had me smiling for there is so much of scope to continue with the story of Gary and Kate and this is a very satisfying read.
A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy via the author.