nebulous07's reviews
297 reviews

Finding Elenore by P.W. Hazeldine

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I am the type of person who is hesitant when I come across books with the theme of giving love a second chance. But there was something intriguing with P.W Hazeldine's "Finding Elenore" and that would be the message and planning from beyond the grave to a beautiful couple giving love a chance after 25 years. I am so happy that this book has characters such as Harry and Alex Harper who are strong, beautiful men who are attuned with their emotions and are not afraid to share them. Having characters like these is so important in this day and age where communicating feelings is of paramount importance. The beautiful landscapes of Italy along with the themes of food, wine and famous tourist places really complements the overall plot which makes this a wonderful narrative. It explores and values the importance of family and friends and at the end of this book I am throughly convinced that Elenore Maguire and Alex Harper belong together.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Made by T.M. Thorne

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TM Thorne’s “Made: The Frankie Finch Story” is the definition of an engaging and thrilling crime short story. The writing style has you hooked right from the start and the progressions be it, making references to the past events to introducing key characters is seamlessly done and flows with the central plot. I struggled to keep the book down and devoured every word in one sitting. Frankie Finch is a well-crafted, memorable character and this book is an excellent prequel to the Racing Rivalries series. I can’t wait to read this series and look forward to reading more of TM Thorne.

A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book
Love Me, Dreamy by Laura Burton

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Laura Burton's "Love Me, Dreamy" is one of a kind and I am so happy that I requested a free review copy of this book via the author from VoraciousReadersOnly. The initial chapters can be compared to a blanket of thick fog but as you turn the pages, there is a light so bright that you will be left with a strong sense of satisfaction. If you are a nature lover, this will be love at first read as Laura artfully describes the beauty and uniqueness of both Cotswolds and San Diego. When Bath was described, I truly felt my Austenland come alive! The plot and the layering of this book is so engaging that I struggled to put my Kindle down. The connection between Toby and Amelia is so unique and magical and the book really captures their individual essence. There is a range of emotions that accompany this book and the parallels between reality and fantasy is a beautiful balance. I am keen to look at Laura's Love Me Series.
Alone for the Holidays by Vivien Mayfair

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Vivien Mayfair's "Alone for the Holidays" is a sweet and uplifting read. Clara Neverov has a successful career but her personal life plagued with hurt and pain. Haunted by her own insecurities she has let fear win until now where she has to make a decision of repeating that cycle when Finn Jacobs comes into the picture. The book has some laugh out moments and Vivien's descriptions really immerse you into the festive spirit. Overall, it is a good story with some insightful lessons about learning to love yourself, being alone and letting go of the past. I really enjoyed Snowbell antics throughout the book. It's really sweet of Vivien to attach a few Christmas recipes at the end of the book and maybe just maybe I'll have a go with a few of them.
A thank you to BookSirens allowing me to be a part of the review team of this book. This review has been left voluntarily.
If I Had Two Lives by A.B. Whelan

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A.B Whelan's "If I Had Two Lives", is a gripping and emotionally charged psychological thriller. This book deals with a variety of subject matters that are not for the faint-hearted, such as murder, childhood and sexual abuse. Vicky Collins is a strong-willed, driven and insightful protagonist that does not mince her words when it comes to the dark nature of human beings. The domino effect that strikes her life is nothing short of a catastrophe, and her emotions and her coping mechanisms are well-written and are very realistic. Her family history, her recruitment to an elite division of the FBI and the Piggyback Serial Killer are plots that complement each other. This book has left me feeling a variety of emotions and the ending was unexpected and shocking. I hope that there is a series, and I look forward to reading more of the author's work.

I received a free copy via BookSirens, and this review is left voluntarily.

Eyes Up by Mark Rogers

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When I decided to request for a free review copy of Mark Roger's "Eye's Up", I had a very good feeling about this book. Turns out, I was completely right. Personally, I consider Optometrists as low key miracle workers and was immediately drawn to the premise of the book. Just a few pages in and I was TeamRogers all the way! Mark is a very likeable character who wears his heart on his sleeve and is so relatable and authentic. His strength and ability to persevere during trying times really shed light on what a remarkable, kind and honest human being he is. His wit and humour throughout the book had me in stitches. An educational aspect is also well woven into this book and it was truly "eye" opening. The supporting characters really complemented the plot and the parallels between Mark's personal and professional life was well presented. Chapters from the view of Kara, Diane/Matthew and Kathy was very refreshing and having Molly, Ziggy and Horace throughout this journey was memorable.
I am leaving this review voluntarily and definitely recommend reading this book.
The Therapist by Kelly Holm

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Kelly Holm's "The Therapist" is a gripping and holds your attention right from the start. A dark psychological thriller, this book is narrated from the perspectives of three main characters; Mila Thorton, Larisa Bergman and Leo Mills. Kelly's ability to drive this complex and engaging plot while going back in time resulted in me having a very hard time putting this book down. Mila Thorton is a paradox, caught in the midst of an internal battle between her conscious and demons and low key gave me "Gone Girl" vibes. The unearthing of past secrets and the ending is very unsettling but fits perfectly in the context for this fast-paced novel.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
sugar, honey, ice & tea by C.R. Elliott

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C.R Elliott's "Sugar, Honey, Ice & Tea" captures what it is to be human and the array of emotions that one feels as they go through the journey of life. This collection of poetry is divided into four parts "the fragile", "the fall", "the strength" and "the rise" and the written words are inspirational, heartfelt and profound. The illustration in some of the poems makes the overall reading experience very satisfying. Every poem is distinct and unique, and the poet conveys a lot with just a few words. I appreciated the wonderful dedication and epilogue of this book.

A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book.
Calculated Reaction by K.T. Lee

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K.T Lee’s Calculated Reaction has you hooked from the very start. It captures the enthusiasm and passion of Special Agent Alexis Thompson and the intrigue behind Dr Matt Brown. The introduction of key characters such as the Parker brothers and Quinn flows well with the plot, and it celebrates the importance of friendship, partnerships, teamwork and determination. I loved reading about Waffle, who is such a positive addition, and his scenes are well written. The changing narratives are well-paced, and it is easy to follow and keeps you engaged. The chemistry between Alexis and Matt is undeniable and their romantic moments are fiery, endearing and makes this book all the more exciting. I also loved the cover of this book. This is my first book of K.T Lee’s, but it is not my last. I have purchased book one, and I cannot wait to read more of this exciting series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Plus One Plus None by Emica Mao

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Emica Mao's "Plus One Plus None" is a very authentic and insightful read that is centred around the theme of finding love, relationships and what it truly means to be single. This unfiltered book gives a reality check and encourages an introspective view of one's actions when it comes to evaluating your current relationship status. Solely narrated by Zita, this book is inspiring for it celebrates what it is to be comfortable in your own skin, take ownership of your actions and if you truly want something, you have to go after it. As one progresses through the book, one will find that Zita shows great clarity in her actions. My favourite part was Chapter 15 for it emphasises on the importance of the present while inculcating feelings of gratitude, self-care, kindness and consideration. I know that I will re-reading this book as I go through the ups and downs in my journey of life.

A thank you to BookSirens for allowing me to be a part of the review team for this book. This honest review has been left voluntarily.