nekorose's reviews
36 reviews

The House Next Door by James Patterson

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This short story collection has 3 stories in it (The House Next Door, The Killer's Wife, and We are not Alone) They were all amazing stories, the last one being far out of James Patterson's norms going into alien/sci-fi but I loved it all the same. I definitely recommend a read through this book, its quick and full of amazing times
The Dark Side by Danielle Steel

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Rating 5/5: This is an amazing Danielle Steel novel, It started off about a tragedy that happened to their family and the horrible outcome that came from the family and tearing them up, which then led to
Munchausen syndrome by proxy being brought into the plot which is an interesting twist. I never really knew about this disorder besides for the True crime novella by James Patterson which had a similar plot. I definitely recommend anyone to read this, this is more-so a thriller than it is a romance, if that makes any difference to your choice.
The River Murders by James O. Born, James Patterson

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Rating 4.7/5: This book is a combination of 3 short stories (Hidden, Malicious, and Malevolent) but unlike other Patterson short story collections, all feature one protagonist, Mitchum , and it progresses as you go more into the book. This should be more of an actual novel though. From Story 1 to Story 3, it got me hooked and couldn't stop reading it and would recommend this to any new or old Patterson fans.
The Lost Years by Mary Higgins Clark

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Rating 5/5 : I really loved this book that was about religious themes in which a letter that Jesus wrote to Joseph of Arimathea goes missing which led to murder and friendships and families being torn apart over it. it kept me involved the whole book and I couldn't wait to finish and find who really was the murderer. I will definitely recommend this, its such a classic MHC title, no one can be disappointed in it.

After seeing all the horrendous trolling on this books reviews, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM, theyre just trolls and let them be trolls but read this book, u wont regret it, its an amazing book by an amazing author, nothing is lazy or stupid or done wrong about it
Lost by James O. Born, James Patterson

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This was an amazing read. This was bout a Miami PD officer in a FBI/Interpol team working with Amsterdam detectives to stop a growing human trafficking ring into the US. This book got me hooked from the start like any JP novel, and I couldn't put it down. I would definitely recommend any new or returning reader to experience this story.
The Gunslinger by Stephen King

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Never planned to read this when I did, I just watched Dark Tower movie on TV and then I happened to get the ebook from my library at that time so I just went into it and I have no regrets about it. It did take a bit to get into(Re-reading first part of chapter 1 like 5-6 times) but that is like any King novel. Once I actually got into it, it was amazing and I really loved traveling along with the gunslinger/Roland out in the "Wild West" type territory then going into some cavern and then coming out speaking with Man in Black, which was scary. I definitely can't wait to read the 2nd book, sadly I have to wait til libraries open back up due to covid19 But I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes Spaghetti Westerns and wants to read a good fantasy as well.
Missing, Presumed Dead by Emma Berquist

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I really loved this book, it was a supernatural type book but also had a murder mystery in it. I couldn't stop reading this and I would love to read more books by this author. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes Supernatural or Mysteries
Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry by Mary Higgins Clark

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Rating 5/5 ---> This is another amazing mystery written by MHC. It's about a news reporter who got in contact with someone who got abused at a place of work, they never heard back so now they just chase after that which landslides into even more conflict and twists, making you think one person is behind it when it is the total opposite and who you think is on your side. I would definitely recommend mystery readers to read this. Its phenomenal.
The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud

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I got this recommended to me by some streamer on twitch, who also loved YA novels though they do audio and I prefer reading. I just started it recently and it is AMAZING, The style is exactly like Harry Potter, and it hooks you in and makes you want to see what happens and now I am excited to read the next book. :D
City of Golden Shadow by Tad Williams

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Rating 5/5 --> I finished this a while ago but I guess forgot to actually review it o.0 | I had to re-read chapters 1-9 like I usually do with King novels, not necessarily a bad thing, it was more to use new information and relate to what I might've missed. Overall this book was amazing following Xabbu, Renie, Paul, Orlando, Osiris and Dread, etc and having it all come together at the end. I would definitely recommend this and I can't wait to read book 2.