nereidodelette's reviews
317 reviews

How to Read a Dress: A Guide to Changing Fashion from the 16th to the 20th Century by Lydia Edwards

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The book provides a basic overview of the history of the dress. It's not a thorough research book, but it assists readers who would want to get to know the brief differences of the dresses from each era. It's an ideal book to help me develop a rough and big picture of costume for my research paper about theatrical costume design.
Œuvres complètes by Arthur Rimbaud

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I read his poetry because of the séminaire at the university, I'm glad that I chose this course because I got to get to known this magnificent poet. His poems feel like several short pieces of the dark epic fantasy novels, which creates some sort of violent, yet resplendent dreams and imagination for me.
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 by Hiromu Arakawa

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This is definitely one of the all-time favourite series of manga. I’ve reread the manga and rewatched the anime for several times since I was little until now. And each time, I never get bored. It’s an epic in the realm of manga.
Fashion in the Time of William Shakespeare by Sarah Jane Downing

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This is a book that you can finish in one day or bring with you during the transportation. Generally, it's not difficult to follow the content, though it's a little bit hard to concentrate when there aren't enough pictures to support some of the detailed descriptions on garments (or perhaps it's because I am not a native speaker).
But It is a good book for an overview of the fashion back in Shakespeare's time. The best thing of all is that this book, unlike most of the books that are introducing fashion, shows not only women's fashion but also men's.
The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World by Adrienne Mayor

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Briefly finished the book for the first time due to the time pressure, I will definitely come back to it for the second time.
Basically, everything you need to know about the Amazons is in this book. The author provided extremely rich research in a very clear and easy-followed way of explanation. Plus, the structure of the book is very well-structured, you can easily assume which chapter would it be if you want to navigate to a specific topic.
No matter you are simply interested in the myth or you are taking a relevant course in the university, this book could undoubtedly help you develop a profound understanding of this topic.