neshasurya's reviews
300 reviews

Perempuan di Titik Nol by Nawal El Saadawi

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one of the most haunting pieces of feminist literature i’ve ever read. this is a story about a woman sentenced to death for killing a pimp. it describes the abuse and difficulties she experienced as a young child in the village. abuse and exploitation that continued throughout her adult life. yet, in the end, she embraces death as the only form of freedom available to her—the price society sets for what she does.  

basically, we see her suffering nonstop throughout the book. we see how all humans are evil. especially if they can't get any benefits from us (especially men, ofc). if you look at my annotation, it seems like almost everything is complaining and arguing about why men suck and society supports that.

aku suka karena bukunya bener-bener nyindir semua orang. mulai dari orang yang keliatan baik tapi ternyata cuma memanfaatkan kita, para pejabat korup tukang selingkuh, sampe pemuka agama yg ternyata banyak main perempuan juga. 

tapi emang baca buku ini tuh harus pelan-pelan sih. berat. banyak trauma. bahkan adegan rape juga ada yg dideskripsiin secara detail. after finishing the book, it's not that surprising that she chose death over living and interacting with other people.

yup, this is short, raw, and a great way to introduce you to feminism. 
Slow Days, Fast Company. The World, the Flesh, and L.A. by Eve Babitz

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i can see why this is considered a "hot girls" read. feels like reading someone's note app tho (in a good way). made me want to live in LA even more.
Sunburn by Chloe Michelle Howarth

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a beautiful debut about coming-of-age that describes first love and queer relationships. it was heartbreaking, especially the complex story of the mother-daughter relationship.
The Orange and other poems by Wendy Cope

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ini sangat positif vibes ya. kurang cocok sama seleraku (?). i like the perspective of seeing beauty in the mundane and the celebration of small acts. tapi kurang suka sama puisi tentang partnernya. maybe i just dont like 'love poem' kali ya ahaha
The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories by Marina Keegan

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an intriguing collection of essays and short stories,  but it wasn't nearly as impactful or life-changing as some reviewers had suggested.  i like the essay better than the short stories. 

While You Were Out: An Intimate Family Portrait of Mental Illness in an Era of Silence by Meg Kissinger

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an honest, vulnerable and i think one of the most difficult memoirs I’ve read. we know that family can be messy, but this one feels so scary because almost all of the characters have mental illnesses.  please check the TW!
Bungkam Suara by J.S. Khairen

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baca ini cuma buat mempersiapkan diri sama apa yang mungkin bakal terjadi 5 tahun ke depan aja sih :( 
Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter

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a story about a post-grad struggling woman, who fears her ideas of numbness to the world around her, while being stuck in a soulless corporate job and followed by anxiety and depression all the time. sound so familiar? oh yes. this is such an accurate take on modern society. 

i like how the narrator describes her job. it feels like she lives in another world (in a sci-fi kinda way). especially how she describes the believer vs nonbeliever. but of course, this book is a metaphor for how capitalism is an endless empty space that we frequently lose ourselves in to meet its demands.

reading about how cassie struggling to cope with an oppressive system, gimana caranya kita basa-basi sama coworker, harus rela kalau tiba-tiba dikasih kerjaan tambahan, kenyataan kalau kita gak bakal naik pangkat kalau gak jago menjilat, sampe 'menipu' para fresh graduate. it made me feel less alone.

i kinda like it how cassie loves to hate san fransisco (and any other metropolitan city). how she's barely affording rent despite being "senior" in a big tech job. gimana caranya dan jam berapa dia harus berangkat kerja. and how every day feels like a nightmare.  ugh this is scary and relatable. 

i also love how everyone in this book is basically horrible people. i mean, look how her family treats cassie. she doesn't have a close relationship with her brother (because of their age gap), has a narcissistic mom, and a dad that feels 'too positive'. 

also -her female friendship that feel forced. obrolan yang cuma berfokus sama gimana caranya kamu cari partner, gosipin orang, dan gak peduli sama politik. but honestly, this is reminds me that actually, we just need one best-friend to live hahaha 

and her partner. omg. i hate him so much. he is so pick-me-coded. the only good thing about him is  just the fact that he's a chef.

i think i like how this book describe anxiety and depression the most. narasinya gak meromantisasi mental health yang dimiliki cassie. dia bahkan banyak menggunakan metafor yang sayangnya sangat terasa relatable. mulai dari susahnya meyakinkan diri untuk berangkat kerja, berinteraksi sama orang, sampe self-pitynya yang bisa bikin deg-degan ketika baca. aku merasa aku butuh temen ngobrol apalagi ketika aku juga ngerasa bahwa in the back of my head, there are some voices that tell me to just scream and leave this world behind. 

and don't get me started with the ending.... omg. LITERALLY BIKIN BENGONG DAN MERENUNG. 

Circe by Madeline Miller

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it was a reread for the laufey book club. i think i love this book more than i love the song of achilles. 
Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language by Amanda Montell

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using a feminist lens, montell does an excellent job of explaining the hows and whys of the english language. i love the humor!