Easy read for people getting into nonfiction. The book starts off pretty slowly as Grann explains the historical context but once the shipwreck happens this book is hard to put down. The story keeps on developing in ways that makes you forget that these events actually happened until it reaches a very lackluster ending. Still is a formidable read.
While it is a difficult subject to tackle, Finkelstein manages to convey his point without going into narratives associated with antisemitism. I believe no one is more qualified than Finkelstein to write on this subject. Born from two Holocaust survivors, he dedicated his entire academic career to the Palestinian cause.
The first half explains how The Holocaust was reframed by the US to benefit its Middle Eastern imperialism by promoting Israel while the second half details how multiple organizations for Holocaust survivors benefitted from economic reparations while preventing actual survivors from collecting these reparations.
The Holocaust Industry is a must-read to understand how narratives are manipulated to justify evil acts such as the Palestinian genocide lead by Israel but also the imperialist actions of the United States.
Crimes of official enemies as the Khmer Rouge bloodbath in Cambodia, the Soviet highanistan, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and Serbian ethnic in Kosovo recall The Holocaust; crimes in which the US is complict do not
Très bonne recherche qui applique un cadre théorique interressant au domaine médical et prouve que les sciences sociales ont bien leur place dans l'ensemble des champs de recherche.