nightowl_daydreaming's reviews
233 reviews

The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Anna Bright

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
I kinda became bored?? Maybe i'll pick it up later in the future but for now is a dnf
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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I cannot make any consistent and coherent opinion rn, too emotional devastated but this was the best shit I've read... wth how I'm supposed to go to finish my presentation? I want to lay down and cry? stare at my celling? Idk but this was incredible.
just the way the god was like yep everything is bad but you have to follow me because 'the empire is falling' do you think I care?? I want gideon back. Thank you. Fuck.
Fire Lily by EtherealBeing

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