nono_dont's reviews
100 reviews

Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong

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Wow wow wow — tender and inexplicably wonderful. I very much will be thinking about Ruth and her words for a long time. I love every ounce of this (‘: I can likely put my thoughts together better if I wrote this the morning after, but I want to express my awe in this immediate moment upon closing the book.

I am struck, too, by the amount of Chance I’ve encountered when reading this story. I currently live and reside where Ruth does, so her familiar revisits and childhood memories are paralleling my own experiences now in this new city. But rather than the nostalgia, I experience the magic of first-times with all of the landmark places of the small town she speaks about. I can’t help but to feel enchanted with life and knowing this novel was brought to me in this time and place of my own little world. I also know too well her family dynamics as though they are my own. Rachel Khong sew words together that resonate and I couldn’t put this down yet still found myself wanting to slow down when I was more halfway through because I just didn’t want it to end. I wanted to melt with every thought and work through every pain she dived into.

Very grateful for this novel.
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

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Gosh I wish I could give half stars because this was 3.5 more so to me! GoodReads please look into Letterboxd’s User Interface ASAP!

Anyways I was thoroughly invested but then abruptly annoyed with almost every character? I wish something was different but I can’t pin point what that ~something~ is exactly. Maybe it’s the dialogue?I definitely feel the appeal and would still recommend it to those in love with contemporary fiction, but it’s just not for me.
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

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Okay this was ALL fun! I haven’t rushed though reading something out of pure excitement in a very long time. It reminded me of my love for fictional fantasy novels and stories! There are a lot of flaws that I could probably nitpick through and see them being a much bigger deal to someone else’s experience, but I very much enjoyed it through and through.
Didn’t think I’d take the entire month of February to finish it but I’ll cut myself some slack since things have been crazy (plus I tried too hard to read 2 other books lol)

Also this movie adaption did the entire story SO dirty.... like so SO bad. Please just read the book.
Writers & Lovers by Lily King

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THIS BOOK! I haven’t read better dialogue I think! Oh my goodness this is everything. To anyone that wants to dive deep into inner thoughts and monologues of a struggling writer with all the humor and love in an effortless way, this is it!
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong

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Hmm I have... a lot of thoughts.
I think immediately upon completion, I wanted to give this like a 3-3.5 more so of a rating. But I’ll give it the benefit of the own doubt that perhaps I am miscalculating my entire experience. The story is raw and haunting yet sometimes too pressured — so much that often times, I feel like I know which parts are memoirs while others are clearly works of fiction that Ocean Vuong wrote in. Now I know in FACT that I actually don’t know which is true or false as I am not the writer. But there are some aspects and details with characters and recollections that just FEEL more experimental than others. There’s no doubt that his poetry is grounded and spectacular, but as a novel — as a mean to share a story of this nature — I’m not sure it holds up. BUT I still recommend. Again maybe just not for me the same way Such a Fun Age wasn’t quite for me either.

Also my own note: I haven’t read fiction for my own pleasure in like,,,,, an awfully long time lol so I have a feeling I’m just not in the right ~groove~ yet either and need to explore more genres to find my niche.