nouranato's reviews
284 reviews

Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly

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“He’d never know what he meant to me but that was okay. I didn’t speak his language and he didn’t need to be fixed. He was the whale who sang his own song.”

You know how we keep on looking for books which are diverse and would just introduce or shed light over a certain group of people ?, well this book did justice, I loved every moment of this; Iris and blue 55 stayed with me for the longest time now, I didn’t want to finish the book so I procrastinated for an entire week, can you believe that ?, the story was light, heartwarming; the writing was amazing and actually delivered it’s intended massage, showing the deaf community and their uniqueness.
I loved every page and the drawing inside was just beautiful and capturing, I’m so happy; I just can’t say anything more ♥️.
ترنيمة عيد الميلاد by تشارلز ديكنز

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حالياً الكتاب ده من الكتب المفضلة جدا؛ وفعلًا كان أختيار موفق ليا
呪術廻戦 1 Jujutsu Kaisen 1 by Gege Akutami

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“You’re a strong kid; so help people, it doesn’t have to be everyone. just whenever you can. You may feel lost don’t expect gratitude. Just help them. When it’s your time to go, make sure you’re surrounded by others. Don’t end up like me” - what a troublesome last request ?

This is my first time reading manga; I’ve decided to read Jujutsu Kaisen because I’m watching the animation currently and I wanted to have an insight of the world and be more aware of it because I sometimes tune out so maybe repetition isn’t a bad idea.

I just finished this volume and man; I think I’m even more in love now
呪術廻戦 2 [Jujutsu Kaisen 2] by Gege Akutami

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Absolutely nobody:
Me: *hungrily reads Jujutsu Kaisen*
呪術廻戦 4 by Gege Akutami, Gege Akutami

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Contains 26-34 !!
I think I’m falling heavy on this manga; I can almost say that it’s a favorite now. I love the drawing style and I love most of the characters; the main plot/idea is new to me (as I’ve seen people say it’s lame because they read things like this before but it’s new to me and I appreciate it); it’s a bit hard to recall some of the details in regards of that but I think I have the plot stored somewhere in my head (I’m not sure tho).
I’m having my finales now and I’d rather be reading this tbh.
呪術廻戦 6 by Gege Akutami

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This volume was pretty heated, I can tell that bad shit is about to go down from there but hey I’m down for whatever Jujutsu Kaisen has to offer. I can’t wait to start the next volume.
19 Days by Old Xian

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This had me laughing for an entire day, yes I finished the 349 chapters in 8 hours and I would do it again tbh. I was laughing the entire time (aside from the times I wanted to sob over the sad chapters here; you get me) AND I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEw chapters AHHH; goodreads can’t update the reading progress since it’s not completed, but I know you all just finished and reread the mange a 100000 times (but I won’t go and say that)
呪術廻戦 9 by Gege Akutami

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This volume actually depressed me. I’m sitting with my phone with a red face and a really heavy heart and mind over what happened in this volume and I’m not okay tbh. I’m really not, what is this emotion ? It feels so heavy on my soul like I’m actually truly not feeling okay.