nursekendrareads's reviews
182 reviews

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

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I absolutely loved this series! And this was my favourite book out of the series! It was so good! I loved how as the books went on Juliette grew stronger and more confident with her powers, I liked how in the first book a lot of things were crossed out, a bit was crossed out in the second and the final book nothing was crossed out and I think it was very symbolic of her finally accepting herself. I loved Juliette in this book! I was not annoyed with her anymore and I grew very attached to her character. And Warner in this book was so amazing we got to see a lot of character development and I loved that!! Warner!! Omg I love his character. And then there's Adam. I could rant about Adam all day because he pissed me off so much in this book. I'm so glad the book went the way I wanted! This book was amazing. The only thing I wish it had was an epilogue. The ending was good but I needed an epilogue or just more Warner at the end.
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

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I loved reading this book!! It was so good! I liked seeing omega point as well as getting to see more of the outside. And ever since I have read the destroy me novella I really like Warner. I know he's a "bad" guy but I like him so much! Way more then Adam! I think that he may have some good in him and I can't wait to read the next book. I did not see the whole twist involving Warner, Adam and Anderson but I like it!! Adam is not my favourite character, I mean he's okay but I'm so glad Warner was in this one more then the first book. Also I really enjoy Kenji's character and I'm glad he was more of a main character in this one as he is awesome. I couldn't stop reading this book it was amazing and this is so far one of the best dystopian series that I have read. I can't wait to continue on with the rest of the series. I think I would at this point read anything Tahereh Mafi writes.
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

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Wow this book was amazing! I have no idea why I avoided it for so long! I really enjoyed the writing style. This book started out very interesting and I really liked the writing style of saying thing and then having things crossed out I think it was very powerful. There was even a page that said "I'm not insane" like 50 times crossed out. It was a very interesting book and I flew right through it. I liked the main character Juliette a lot and I really liked Adam he was so sweet. And I didn't want to like Warner but I can't help it!! There's something about his character that just appeals to me. Also I really enjoyed the character of Kenji omg he is hilarious. All in all this is one of the most captivating books I have read in a while and I really really enjoyed it.
The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima

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~3.5 stars

I enjoyed this book. My only problem that I had with it was the pacing. At times the story was very very slow. But that being said it is the first fantasy novel in a series so it had to do a lot of world building which is often very slow to read. Besides the pacing tho I really enjoyed it. The story was decent and the characters were very well developed. I really enjoyed this book more towards the end when they got to England and with the castles and churches and the battles between the wizards it was just really good. The last 150 pages were amazing! The only reason I'm giving it 3.5 stars was that the beginning was very slow but other then that it was a great book and I will most likely continue on with the rest of this series.
Panic by Lauren Oliver

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I got about 3/4 through and I coundlt do it anymore it was just not appealing to me and I didn't like the storyline or the characters or the writing style. As my first book by this author I don't want to read anymore by her. I think I should have read her popular trilogy delirium first. which has been on my tbr pile for awhile but from reading this I have no desire too. And I can honestly say that I regret that I wasted 20 dollars on the hardcover for this.
The One by Kiera Cass

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This book so much happened it was way faster paced then the other ones and I really enjoyed it. I think it was good but somewhat sad ending to the series and I think it tied everything together as well ( so many feels tho) . America ended up with the person I wanted her to and this book was just so good! I also really enjoyed that the relationship with the other girls strengthened and I loved seeing that. I really enjoyed it. I also like America as a main character now. I liked her a bit in the selection not so much in the elite but I loved her in this book. Overall the book was my fav from the entire series.
The Elite by Kiera Cass

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I enjoyed this book. It was relatively fast paced and I enjoyed the development of the story. I still liked the first one a tad better but this one was still good.
The Selection by Kiera Cass

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Loved loved loved loved this book so much !!! The writing style was amazing and I can't really say anything negative because its like one of my favourite books ever. And I am re-reading for the 3rd time. Ahh so good!!
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

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It's hard to put into words how awesome this book is. Like it's just amazing. I love it. It's not a perfect love story and that's what I like. Idk what to say it's just amazing!!! ~ my thoughts are stars I can't fathom into consolations~