ofearna's reviews
1203 reviews

Mathemagics by Margaret Ball

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check it out! A Cover by Larry Elmore
The Wood Wife by Terri Windling

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Originally slated to be one of the four premier books in the [a:Brian Froud|9345|Brian Froud|http://www.goodreads.com/images/nophoto/nophoto-M-50x66.jpg]'s Faerielands series, when that was scrapped the two books that hadn't been released were published as stand-alone fantasies... and another cover artist was chosen. When the book was such a success it was again given a new cover, but the reprint wasn't nearly as pretty as the original Froud cover or the Boulet painting that was chosen.

The book itself was a delight to read--I like desert of Southern Arizona best of the four locale's that were chosen...
