ofearna's reviews
1203 reviews

Under the Dome by Stephen King

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so far, it's a good book. I'm on page 861 of 1347.

I started out reading the hardcover edition, but DAMN! that book is HEAVY so I got a Nook version and that's what I'm reading

I just read the chapter from the Corgi's p-o-v and it was adorable and a bit gross -- peopleyark? ugh
Witchblade: Prevailing by Michael Layne Turner, David Wohl, D. Tron

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What happens after Ian manages to wrest the Witchblade from Sara is not pretty--but great reading.

Issue 24, I guess they were trying for a different penciller but the characters are unrecognizable and I couldn't get past that jarring note to enjoy that issue's sideline.

#20 8-05-2008
#21 8-06-2008
#22 8-07-2008
#23 8-08-2008
#24 8-09-2008
#25 8-11-2008

have all individual issues as well as TPB

re-read 5/10/2013
NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

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wow... after reading the "Dear Reader" Joe seems to have borrowed from his dad, I want to see what the original ending was that Tabby nixed!

After the Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn

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Oddly, especially for a Carrie Vaughn book, I struggled to finish, felt NOTHING for any of the characters and can't remember much of the book without a lot of thought..
Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane

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After the fun of the short story from Home Improvement, this book was a serious let-down...