offmyredcarpet's reviews
699 reviews

Lunar Beast by Saam King

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
There’s considerable pacing issues and the relationship development is choppy. I found myself being really perplexed by the progression of the story telling. I was really looking forward to this installment and wanted to like it but I don’t. Overall, this series has proven to be hit or miss for me and I think I’ve decided I’m done. Books 1 and 3 were fine but I mostly disliked books 2 and 4. I can see book 5 going the way of 2 and 4 so I’m stopping here.
Alpha's Secret Baby: Rejected Mate Secret Baby Second Chance Paranormal Werewolf Romance by Jennifer Eve

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
Amateur writing and too much inner monologue vs dialogue.
Hard Bubbles: A Shifter City Romance by Leah Legend

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I was absolutely delighted reading this and having the best time up until about halfway in when it starts to lose steam. The writing in the second half isn’t as tight and the editing isn’t as good. I started getting bored with parts of the story. Very disappointing considering how it began. I just wanted, and expected, more based on the first half. But it’s still enjoyable and extremely inventive. I do like the world the author created. There’s definitely talent here and I hope she writes more about this underwater world.
Hexennacht by C.M. Nascosta

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These two are so darling; delightful to fall back into their world, this time with the addition of Holt, the familiar of Ladybug’s deceased aunt. I love seeing how the Girl’s Weekend series and the Cambric Creek series are coming together full circle, replete with character cameos—some named, some not (long time readers will know by their descriptions!). 

Ladybug gains confidence under Anzan’s affirmations and Holt’s help. It’s easy to see where Holt is driving the hopeful outcome. We don’t get it in this installment of course as this is a series arc but the seeds are there. 

I would have liked a little more dialogue as that is  where the book truly shines. Ladybug’s inner monologue got a bit repetitive but Nascosta did justice to the anxious ridden, neurodivergent mind. I could 100% relate. Book 2 in a 4 book series with a series arc. 
Breathless: A Fish Monster Romance by Cat Wynn

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 55%.
I really wanted to like this because the book cover is so great. I liked the concept but not the execution. I found it dull. Tried to push through but realized I don’t want to spend my time on something I find boring. The FMC’s inner monologue is a constant array of questions, I detest the way she constantly pressures the MMC, and so much of it feels forced.