onceandfuturebooknerd's reviews
915 reviews

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

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I have no idea how I feel about this book 😳
One of Us Is Back by Karen M. McManus

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A very, very satisfying conclusion to a series that I loved from the get go because of its fantastic cast of characters! Nate for life haha 💕
Straight Expectations by Calum McSwiggan

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Okay but this was so cute and camp with some important discussions and ponderings mixed in!! Loved it! 🩷
The Sunshine Court by Nora Sakavic

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"Friends, he thought again, and this time it almost felt real."

Well DAMN. Nothing quite like crying into your breakfast when finishing your most anticipated read of the year.

The Sunshine Court is everything I wanted it to be and more! It is everything Jean, our broken child, needed. Soft touches and gentle words, understanding and love. It is only the beginning of Jean's new journey, with some pretty horrible and violent events that break through the Trojan's peace, but I am crossing my fingers for more of the former than the latter in the continuation of this story.

It feels very similar to The Foxhole Court in the way it is structured, but with more insight (on Jean's part at least, Jeremy is gonna have a field day later on haha help), more history, more pain. Maybe The Foxhole Court with some The Raven King sprinkled in? I love this book so much already and I can't wait to fall even more in love with the sequel(s).

There were pages that made me smile, ones that made me want to scream, that made me cry. We knew Jean's backstory from extra content and from what we learned from Kevin, but being in Jean's head, having a front seat view to his abuse and consequences of that was jarring. The rest of the story won't be easy to read, but I know we'll see Jean's world slowly bloom as well. Daffodils and rainbows, friends and healing.

I could probably be listing all the parallels between Jean and Neil's story, between The Sunshine Court and The Foxhole Court, for hours on end - from their reactions to the way other people responded to them, from learning that every person's intent isn't malicious, to learning to accept kindness when you were raised to anticipate a slap. I coloured all of the parallels I noticed with orange (cause reasons) and there are literally so many ahh! 

We also got to know Jeremy a bit better, but I fully expect his chapters will be even more eye opening later on. This sunshine captain has darkness lurking in his life as well. 

Also can we talk about goddamn Neil and his attitude, FBI getting involved again and all the mayhem that will bring? (Neil berating the FBI agent for parking illegally made me cackle).
Also also Riko being paraded around as a martyr made me wanna scream! I very much doubt anyone will get justice in the form of Riko's real persona being known and him not being presented as a poor, beloved star breaking under pressure (Moriyamas and all), so I'll just take many deep breaths and remind myself that Kevin, Neil and Jean are forever safe from his abuse. 

I could go on and on, but my head is still so full of jumbled words and soft touches, of my favourite characters and hope for them, so this will have to do for now. 

All in all, miss Nora, why do you love hurting us?! But also thank you for making sure Jean gets a chance he deserves. I adore him and all the Trojans and Foxes so much and I'll never have enough words to properly express what they mean to me. 💓

And now we wait for the second book. 

"A cool evening breeze. Rainbows. Open roads. Friends." 
Bromantic Puckboy by Saxon James, Eden Finley

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*whispers* what the fuck. I loved this one SO MUCH, I can't even write a proper review yet cause I need to gather my thoughts. 😭💓
Bromantic Puckboy is exactly what I wanted it to be - a cute and hilarious story of two men realizing they might not be as straight as the initially thought, of falling in love and being terrified that the other doesn't feel the same *cue some slight angst that leads to communication!!* Miles and Bilson are definitely himbos in their own right and from their ridiculous dialogue to inner monologues that made me cackle, it was all an epic (and bromantic 😂) ride. Add to that some truly unforgettable cameos and there you have it - one of the best books I've read this year (and just generally okay! I am waiting to get my hands on a physical copy for my Sadenverse shrine haha).

Puckboys is one of my favourite series and Bromantic made it to the very top when it comes to the best couples! 🤭 Give me all the soft himbos who are not afraid of going after what they want (after realizing what that is, of course! cause they ARE still himbos).

You absolutely need to read Bromantic Puckboy if you adore:

• himbo x himbo dynamic/sweet dumbasses
• books that make you laugh out loud
• sexual awakening
• friendship bracelets hehe (that was such a Travis Kelce moment, Saxon and Eden!! I see you!! 😂😍)
• sex ed by Ezra Palaszczuk 😂

All in all, a fabulous addition to Puckboys and I can't wait for some brother's best friend dynamics for book seven!
Garden of the Cursed by Katy Rose Pool

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Adrius is Adrian Ivashkov, CHANGE MY MIND 😂😂