onceandfuturebooknerd's reviews
933 reviews

Canto Contigo by Jonny Garza Villa

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RTC but be warned that JGV books always hit hard 😭😭
Lucky Bounce by Cait Nary

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3.5/5 stars

Lucky Bounce was a sweet love story between a kindergarten teacher named Zeke and his crush - a pro hockey player, Spencer, with a secret daughter who ends up in Zeke's care. The two went from tentative acquaintances to friends and lovers in time and it was really such a wholesome story! I love the migraine rep and all the discussions regarding inclusivity (or lack thereof) in hockey. Plus Spencer's dedication to his kid - I haven't read many single parent romances yet, but this one was a joy to read (for example Spencer showing up with nail polish on his cuticles cause he was being a good dad? I stan).

I have a couple of small complaints that I saw some other people mention as well - I really wish we got Spencer's PoV as well, since being stuck in Zeke's head meant we didn't really get to know Spencer in all his grumpy glory. I also wish we got more insight into other SCs beacuse there were some real gems there (shoutout to D'Amico, what a man). Plus, I know this is just one book and one story, but I couldn't get past the fact that Spencer was only 24!! And Zeke 25 or something like that. I know there is no age requirement for having kids, but I was excited to read about some older hockey players (ya know, 30ish) after seeing what the book is about. But that's just a me thing.
Other than that, I love how their relationship had some hurdles, but they communicated quite well after they got going and tried to resolve everything without too much drama (also no third act breakup! Which was great, but I could've maybe done with a bit more angst hehe).

The best part of this book? Spencer got his daughter a dog and her name was OREO! I have a dog named Oreo, all the stars for little fury monsters!

I would definitely recommend this one to all my fellow queer hockey romance lovers!

- Single dad
- Grumpy x sunshine
- hockey romance

Thank you to Carina Press and Harlequin - Romance for the eARC. All opinions are my own.
Foul Heart Huntsman by Chloe Gong

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This was just perfect 😭 All of these CHARACTERS like? I adore every single one of them! Please miss Gong TELL me you have something more planned, I am not done with them yet 😭✋🏻
How You Get The Girl by Anita Kelly

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*takes a deep breath* I think I found another absolute 2023 favourite AND so far one of the top spots was already taken by Something Wild and Wonderful. I don't know, I guess 2023 is just a total Anita Kelly year for me! 🩷

How You Get the Girl is a total banger, a soft love story that also packs quite an emotional punch and heaps of self discovery (should've known at this point, Kelly hits the nail on the head every time). This third book rounds up this romance trilogy perfectly and all the little cameos made my heart so happy!

In this story we follow Julie, a basketball coach questioning her sexuality (ace? Where on the spectrum? Bi? Lesbian?) and trying to figure out where her life is going. When her path crosses with Elle Cochrane, her young adult NWBA idol, a new foster parent to her player Vanessa, and soon her new assistant coach, things turn upside down. After an unexpected heart-to-heart, Elle offers Julie a fake dating scheme so Julie can try to figure out what she is comfortable doing with a romantic partner - but fake scenarios quickly turn into real feelings. Can they make this faux practice relationship work? Should they?

Julie and Elle are EVERYTHING! I loved their relationship, but I also loved them as individuals, how they had their own personal struggles and while talking about them with one another helped, they had to resolve some things and come to terms with them on their own. From Julie struggling with her sexuality and her career, to Elle still trying to find her feet after abruptly ending her basketball career ten years ago and trying to be the best foster parent to her cousin's daughter. 

I also loved that we had so many cameos of characters that were so vastly important to both Julie and Elle, but that we've also known from before - give me as much Dahlia, London, Ben and Alexei content as POSSIBLE (and Elle fangirling over the former two! 😂) And they weren't only there as "props" - they had their own struggles and triumphs and it was absolutely amazing seeing how their lives unfolded after their books. 

Basically, this romance trilogy is one of the best I've ever read and I am now desperate for more Anita Kelly books! I am here for all the wholesome queer love stories, that also delve deep into trauma, mental health struggles, figuring out your sexual orientation and identity, different aspects of relationships - familial, platonic and romantic, etc! I highly recommend the whole trilogy - it truly is a beautiful celebration of queer love and a must read for any romance lover! 🥳

If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio

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Reread November 2023: Will I ever NOT weep while finishing this book?? Unlikely.