oolawuyi_'s reviews
328 reviews

A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir

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This book is the epitome of the idea that everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

“There is a price for greed and violence. 
We do not always know who will pay it. 
But for good or ill, it will be paid.“
The Boyfriend Candidate by Ashley Winstead

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I feel like I’ve been feeling so cynical about my romance reads of late but this was the perfect cure to that. I LOVED Logan and Alexis’ relationship. Even with the frustrating communication at times, I could relate to the idea of shrinking back in fear of not being enough for someone, and I enjoyed watching Alexis overcome those fears. The chemistry between them was also fantastic, as were all the supporting characters.

Also this has a Parks & Rec reference and honestly Logan and Alexis gave me strong Ben and Leslie vibes at certain points!
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins

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It was honestly really exciting to be back in the world of the Hunger Games! I enjoyed the first half of this book and, even though we all know how Snow’s story ends, I was really curious about Lucy Baird and how her “relationship” with Coriolanus would unfold. I also appreciated the additional details the book provided on what led to the creation of the games and how they became the spectacles we know in the original trilogy. 
Unfortunately, the book lacks a lot of the action that the other books had, which is understandable, but it quickly loses what little momentum it has around the halfway point, making it very hard to get through. Things pick up again as we see Snow’s entitlement grow in the third act but it the pay off was all rather underwhelming. Ultimately, the book could have benefited from being 100-150 pages shorter.
Three Weeks to Wed by Ella Quinn

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I did not understand Grace’s character for most of this. I also did not understand why there were so many unnecessary sub plots.

The family was great though, especially Mary. A sweetheart. Matt too.
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

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This book covers so much ground both literally and figuratively. So many new dynamics are explored and old ones developed. Not to mention some big reveals.

The plot is very tight with clear character arcs. Our goal: break Darin out. Our obstacles: everything and everyone.

Laia and Elias’ journeys in this were powerful (and perfectly paced, as Ms Tahir always is): full of triumph but also so much pain. However, Helene’s POV was really the star of the book for me. Her struggle between her duty and her heart was heartbreaking and, despite being the only one of the three not on the run, she was possibly the one I feared for the most as she stood alone in a den of vipers. We really begin to understand the evil they are up against in this book (in the Commandant, in the Warden, in Marcus, and in the Nightbringer) and I can’t wait to see how they face them moving forward.
Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas

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I’m not sure why we started a whole new plot in the last 30% of the book but this was fun.

I thought the conversations around women and marriage were really interesting and Pandora was a fun female lead. We didn’t really get much of a character arc for Gabriel though, he was just kind of there.
Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas

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I have read quite a few books from this universe now and this book in particular sound make an excellent TV show. It brings in a lot of the great characters from the Wallflower series, refers to the Ravenels, and has really good stakes.

My only gripe is that because of how much it has going on, I felt like I didn’t have enough time with just Merritt and Keir as leads.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

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Honestly, head empty. Excited for book 2!

Edit: The nuance with which Sabaa Tahir writes her characters (particularly her supporting characters) is so fun, and I feel like it’s such a rare treat.

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Beginner's Luck by Kate Clayborn

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Really enjoyed Kit and Ben as characters, I particularly loved seeing Kit and her love for her job. All the supporting characters were great, especially Henry.

I just wish there was a bit more the the end, it felt a tad rushed.