originsofstars's reviews
257 reviews

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

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I’m not going to lie. I found this book incredibly boring, and I can’t see myself reading it again. I fell asleep every time I tried reading it.

The first five chapters consisted mostly of “my name is thomas” “he looked around confused” and “im gonna be a runner”. Actually, throughout the entire book, the name Thomas seemed to be mentioned at least in every second sentence.

There was a lot of emphasis on Thomas’ relationship with Chuck. But, he didn’t even spend that much time with the boy before he died.

Thomas is the annoying type of main character. I liked Teresa, but she spent about 70% of the book in a coma. Why?

What is with the telepathy thing? Why was no one concerned when Thomas told them?

I don’t like the ending either.

The cover of the book that I have as well, I’m not a huge fan of, simply because of how James Dashner’s name is written. There’s random letter spacing, and it looks as though it reads Jam es Dashn er.
The Selection by Kiera Cass

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I have read this before. Last time I read it, I loved it. That certainly clouds my judgment.

However, the characters feel nearly real, which is amazing. They have depth which is easily missed in some books. You find yourself loving a character, hating another. The frustration over some characters (america and aspen) is easily recognised.