papercut's reviews
72 reviews

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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There are no scrabble words to define how much I love this book. Yes, it has loopholes, yes it has a different style of writing but strangely, I love it all and it has made me appreciate life a lot more. I've read this book during the 20 minutes I travel in the train everyday going to and from work and have read it at home at 11pm when I reach home and it has made me smile every time, why I do not know but it has. Maybe one of the best I've read till date. Love the writing style and the fact that it has really short chapters. Though, I must say that I was a bit disappointed at the end that they "were" liars .

To those who are reading these reviews before you start reading the book - please stop now and read it's better to go in the book blind because even though some reviews may not contain spoilers it might tell you what to expect and you don't want that.
The 11:05 Murders by Brian O'Hare

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When I read the first few paragraphs I din't really like the writing style, it seemed almost amateurish, but the story gripped me in. The first chapter ended and I assumed that the crime that would be investigated would be the same one, but then it went on to a whole different story with no relation whatsoever until the link is actually found a few chapters later. Every suspect had a story of his own and it's literally like fee stories woven into one.

Over all a decent read. But also the end was not that surprising maybe I didn't pick up the same clues that led to Sheehan realizing who the murderer was but I had my own doubts which I can't mention as then this review would contain spoilers.