this book absolutely falls flat on its face at the end of it. nearing the end i thought this book was going to be at LEAST a solid 4, but the ending is horrible and ruins it all for me.
its a bit slow going in the beginning, but as soon as we start unveiling the mystery of the maps and find out who The Cartographers were it really picks up, only to fail - in almost glorious fashion - with one of the WORST explanations for why the story happens that ive ever heard. like...really? nell went her whole life without her mother in her life, thinking she died, not being surrounded by her parents best friends because they were scared wally would find them...? im sorry, but thats garbage writing; it feels lazy, hastily slopped together, and it makes no sense. why wouldnt daniel have just gotten tam out of agloe and then destroyed the map? there was no reason for her to stay!!! there was no reason at all!! the reason given is that she 'wanted to complete the dreamers atlas' but thats even worse. and the way that nell disappears at the end inside agloe, whereas the others who are in the town with her manage to get out? why did that even happen!!! it also makes no sense!!! ohhh this ending makes me fucking MAD because the book had promise but the execution of it sucked.
knowing now that none of the people in the book aside from the author ever existed, i simply find this book to be unreadable. like it honestly feels like the author just wanted to rewrite his teenage years to make it so he had a wild sex life. bro who cares. go to therapy
bored me to DEATH at only 5%. opened it ONCE to read it as this was as far as i got; when the date to return it to the library came up, i didnt look back