parchmentandflour's reviews
169 reviews

Win Lose Kill Die by Cynthia Murphy

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Did anything really make logical sense for the plot? no! 

Did I decently enjoy it? yeah. so we landed at a 3 for enjoyment but I most likely would not recommend this book to others. 
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim

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This was YA done right! 

The only thing is that the whole under-the-surface love triangle ~worries me~. 
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
I couldn't get into the book and then it needed to be returned to the library - may try again another time. 
How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang

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 I cried, I giggled, I liked our MMC and our supporting cast, but half of the time I did not understand our FMC's choices at all. It also wrapped up too quickly for me and I just didn't believe in the resolution.

If you like romance books about books, screenwriting, and some behind-the-scenes of making television shows and then a bucket of emotional trauma poured on top - this is the book for you. (This is not a negative thing, I did in fact like these things about the book.)