partytattoos's reviews
98 reviews

The Symmetry of Stars by Alex Myers

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super clever storytelling and I love the characters but the ending felt a little anti climatic?
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

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really enjoyable to sort of potter along with, having no idea what entirely is going on. I think I loved the ending? I feel like I need to watch a video essay to understand it all. I am very glad I read it 
The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman

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such a heartfelt and human telling. the changes between past and present make it so emotional and real, hiding none of the brutality behind ideas of hopeful tomorrows. I truly truly cannot recommend this book enough it was amazing 
Cinder Ella by S.T. Lynn

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just a light hearted book, but written with in-depth love and acceptance. it is very cathartic to read a queer book that ends happily 
The underground railway by Colson Whitehead

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very well written with characters so so alive I was invested in them. the ending is so human and real; a perfect finish and yet still not complete.
Crowns & Swords by J.L. Meyrick

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just a fun speedy and trashy read
An Actor Prepares by Constantin Stanislavski

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I understand that when it came out it was revolutionary, but my word was that a lot of words. some of his points are still new to me and have changed my perspectives on acting, but I did not take all of it, and never will.
A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future by David Attenborough

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being the first climate book I read that had practical solutions to the problems, it was a delightful and hopeful read, and I really enjoyed the simple writing style
Flèche by Mary Jean Chan

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there is gorgeous poetry about learning to accept queerness, and it's relation to family. 'at the castro' is so full of joy and mourning that I want it imprinted on my heart
Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz

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i fell in love with exhibits from the American water museum and all the poems with water imagery