paterson's reviews
564 reviews

How to Stay Christian in Seminary by David Mathis, Jonathan Parnell

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Both of these men write blog posts at that I consistently and thoroughly enjoy. I was eager to read this book as a Biblical Studies undergraduate student with Moody Bible Institute (online). It was a short book that I was able to read in a day—but one that I expect to read again often to remind me of my purpose and goal in my studies. This is a book I'd recommend to all Bible college students and seminary students—and it would make a great gift for anyone you know entering undergraduate or graduate studies in Bible or theology.
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan

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Grateful for this brother.

This kid has a good review:
A Martyr's Grace: Stories of Those Who Gave All for Christ and His Cause by Marvin Newell, Michael J. Easley

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I read this for my Moody missions course. All twenty-one of these martyrs, young men and women, graduated or attended Moody Bible Institute. Glory. The world may scoff at a seemingly stupid and meaningless way to live and die, but I believe they used their education for the infinitely best purpose: the glory of God and the salvation of the nations... even unto death. Do not be dismayed by their deaths—they will yet see life (Matt. 10:38-39).
The Sword by Bryan M. Litfin

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Although the writing is not the best, the story is certainly intriguing and captivating. First time I've completed a fiction book in a very long time.