Very slow paced. The internalized homophobia is overwhelmingly present. I swear to god, I don't give a shit about French and I am not looking up the meaning of random phrases every other line. Jesus. Also: Giovanni sucks lollll. I mean so does David--I think Hella is maybe the one person who doesn't suck--but Giovanni's "I'll kill myself if you leave me" thing made me dislike him quite a bit.
It’s so fucking wild to me that Quintana died immediately before the book was published. Right after the events described.
The book was good and fine but it’s wild to read about a medical crisis from a rich person’s perspective. She could live in a hotel in LA to be with her daughter in the UCLA ICU while having a permanent residence in New York. Worry over money was not mentioned once. Like damn. It was also a bit pretentious at times (like one paragraph that went something like “Quintana was in the ICU / it reminded me of a trip to Thailand I took once” like bro what the fuck do you mean). The audiobook also has piano music in the background at the end of certain chapters and I fucking hated that fancy-Christmas-dinner ass music. I found the repetition moving, but otherwise found the book somewhat unremarkable. I was so annoyed by how rich they were and how many times expensive vacations come up.
Part memoir, part essay, and extremely meditative. Between the World and Me is in conversation with this one (and not just because it gets its title from a quote in TFNT).
They’re all definitely dead in that last chapter, right?? Or Celie is dreaming it? Cause the ship sinking was a THING, right???
Walker is transphobic and antisemitic and this book does depict all Black men as violent. Is it bad that I find the book compelling all the same?? I need to think about it more.
Some of these lines are going to stick with me for a while: “I was meant for the library, not the classroom”; the idea that race is the child of racism, not the other way around, etc.
Framed around the school explosion, but it could've been written out and the book would've been fine. It feels like trauma porn. Author is a white woman who writes exclusively about Latinx/Latine people, which is icky.
It’s unclear whether Oryx is real or if she’s one single person. Seems in some way a humanities vs. STEM commentary. Eugenicist sci-fi. Reminds me of that Jurassic Park quote: you always asked whether you could but not whether you should, or something. Atwood’s obsession with birds really comes through here.
Extremely meh but the ending will stick with me for a while. Took too long to get there, I think.
Hated that Rufus only died because he got the Death-Cast call. (Same with the serial killers--their victims only die because they got the call??) The love story was actually believable. Mateo's death scene was so terrible. Also why the hell do they survive a bombing AND a shooting before dying?? What??